Men are polygamous in nature
Njeri Migwi it’s time you accepted that your marriage failed and left you bitter an miserable!Your ex hubby btw felt so insecure around you because you looked dangerous and kept dangerous friends most of which were police officers.The other issue was your weight that you really declined to address.Bitterness against men won’t solve your problems.Last I checked you had ballooned to God knows what size.Almost 200kgs of okuyu mass in one human being is not funny at all.My God! Must you eat everything you come across?
Yes, she must eat everything she comes across, the mouth,body and food are hers. I also have friends who are police officers,mpaka traffic commandant. How can a woman live in this Nairobi with out some police boyfriends? Do you know how vulnerable women are? We need those dangerous police officers.
Njeri Migwi is quite busy,she doesn’t even have time to remember that she was married once to a Chimpanzee.
If there’s a woman who appreciates being a single woman it’s Njeri Migwi. She’s always around abused women so she knows the ugly under belly of men better than some of us who only watch this cases on the news.
Let people be as bitter as possible as long as they stay alive. In any case y’all are bitter with Ruto and nobody is shaming you for it. Mimi I am very bitter to see women being killed every single day by men who are supposed to love them. I don’t know why you demonic, deranged Chimpanzees blame women, men kill women, it’s the woman’s fault, women warn other women that men are dangerous, the woman is bitter. How will you not be bitter with a group of people who have no morals, no conscience and no brain? All you can do is be bitter as a way to create a barrier of protection against Chimpanzees.
Once again ladies, chungeni Maisha these ghouls we call black men have been sent here to destroy women. Hell will be highly populated with men so just avoid them on earth, after death, they will be no danger bcz men are going to hell .
So ferk you Njeri Migwis bitter exe. Leave this Queen ALONE. Idiotic abuser. You propelled her to greatness with your abuse
Cc: @Lionheart :
The Grass always looks greener on the other side …
Until you actually get there …
I regularly spend time and chat with a lot of married women …
(…a snapshot of the Gazebo at the Rexx Simba Den…

And I wonder why their errant husbands do not see all the goodness that I encounter…
Ati ‘chat’. Oh, and the grass is never green. Black, usually😆
Cc: @TrumanCapote :
How goes the delicate “negotiation” about the earlier proposed “meeting” (…is it “meating” or “mating”… ) at the Rexx Simba Den …??
A bird whispered in my ear that there was an insidious plan to string me along fruitlessly till the year 2030, so I chose to leave that to the heavens
Be ever resolute and of strong courage , My Son …
"Manna" and all sorts of Good Things have been known to drop down from Heaven.
In due time , the strong resistance will wear down and Cupid’s Arrow will hit it’s mark …
I will ensure that the bottle of chilled quality Bubbly remains available in the Fridge…
Hehe, life has long taught me to never believe in manna from heaven or to expect it. Even as I leave things to the heavens, I’m unwilling to join the rank of fools, so I’d prefer to be skeptical, and probably get surprised, it’s what makes life exciting.
If not, well, it’s not the end of the world. Life rolls on.
That’s the spirit , my Son …
@TrumanCapote : now see all the suffering you are causing with all your robust resistance to “spreading” happiness ( …and certain concerned limbs…!!)…