Mbaruya men

Tabia za @Simiyu22

We are in high demand

Among those matching your brain capacity.


Poossie has no brain.

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As has been evident from your brainless posts, poosie @Simiyu22 .


Thank you for reading my posts and looking for me daily and tagging me in each and every of your comments. I live rent-free in your high-Iq brain. Tag me again, tag me. I am waiting for you tag me. Stop hiding.



Lunjes reason with their dicks. I had a lunje colleague who used to follow a kyuk yellow yellow around, carting her shopping around, carrying her handbag, taking her to the stage after work, and being sent for snacks. The poor fucker never got to get laid.
I employed another one who decided to come with his “wife”. The woman had a child who was like two weeks old. Imagine my shock when I learnt the child was not fathered by the idiot, and they had not known each other for weeks before coming to my farm. These men give sex alot of their time. Their needs are very few, ugali and sex.


Mluhyas wako at the bottom of the barrel, kwa basic needs ie food and sieks.


Post wall women love shaming whole tribes and young girls. They never take any responsibility…they are always blaming others. Najua huyu aliachwa for a young fresh meat.


Upuzi Tokotiko analysis. Every account is an advisory committee. Kuna walunje high IQ huku nje sio tu hawa watchmen mnasemanga. Na sioni shida ya kuown tushimo kadhaa without PNC.


Shida iko wapi. Paruyas eat and fuck for a living, and the grandmas are not complaining


Kinda true. Baruya najua wengi are poor as fuck.

As a Rich Luhya Man who is also AMG MGTOW , I agree. Grandmothers are hosting many grand kids from irresponsible kids. Huku grandmother akikufa it becomes quite hard t start tracing parents of the grand kids.
Lakini bado nakumbusha kina @Mikymas Njeri, @Straw_man Nyambura, @Landlord Wanjiru waende Kakamega watafute baba zao

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Nangoja @mikel na @uwesmake walete shida kwa minajili ya hizi accusations


Nitazalisha sistako na niingie karura ndio uniheshimu. Yes, the one who is second year. Lazima atakula ttarimbo

Nonsense,fake news.umbwa ghassia takataka