Wadau, I’ve been eyeing all three of these cars.
Even from reading some of the threads here…they all sound like a good buy. The Mark X has also crossed my mind.
Considering my budget is 1.6M, what are the pros and cons of each (current and previous owners pls)?
Different classes. Bure poll. Needs change the car you would want
Different classes.
Don’t buy a new Mark X. Depreciation will humble you kama utauza later.
-CRV is beyond the budget if you are looking for a 2014 model
-Stream is no longer in production
-MarkX si mbaya especially the sports grades but is beyond your budget
-Axela Sports 2014- is about 1.4m. It’s shape is more sporty this year
-I’d go for an Atenza as it combines Japanese reliability and luxury and just like the Axela, it looks amazing. Atenza is comparable to MarkX or Toyota Crown in terms of prfomance but is slightly cheaper
Beg to differ on the Crown part. More like the Fuga is comparable to Crown. OP Mark X, Atenza & Axela are within your budget funga macho chukua Atenza
I know they’re different classes.
I just want a recommendation of performance and reliability from current/past owners.
Nice, thanks
If I go the CRV route, it will be a locally used.
(I know a guy offloading these cars for cheaper than usual.)
So far I’ve narrowed down to between Mark X and the Atenza.
Ubaya wa kenyans ni kiherehere mingi…yani unaona hatujui they’re different classes?
I know my needs, thank you.
Yani you wasted your sleeping time at this late hour to type garbage here
Well noted.
Wazi…yes I had already confirmed from a number of verified dealers, they’re all in the price range.
Atenza iko moto though.
Lol, una mchezo.
Kama unachezea kwa lami take Atenza
Ongeza chapa ushike CRV an AWD na ukuje unirushie za macho. Those cars are the best.
Whats wrong with the sports grade Mark X?
I said si mbaya
Sawa bro. Nilisoma vibaya cause if I was in the market for a Mark x, the sports grade is the one to get. Kunazingine base model that are so bland