But then again all those routes you’ve mentioned do not exclusively serve the Estates but adjacent poorer estates/slums also
Route 11-mukuru
Route 15 - kibra
Route 33,34,-embakasi village, /pipeline kwa @vuja de na kamau/laini saba kibra
Route 48-kawangware
But then again you find those routes are not that lucrative for the matatu owners to invest in new 33 seater vehicles and with the ban on importing used 14 seaters, the owners have no option but to continue using the aged Nissan matatu’s.
None are being registered in Nbi and Msa, only for upcountry routes. Incidentally, the banning of 14-seaters countrywide is what gave birth to proboxes as an alternative.
As of earlier this year, they’d even stopped new 33-seaters for Nbi though I’ve seen some very new ones on the road.
if you dont spend an average of 250k p.m then dont dare call/classify yourself as upper middle class…hizo route zote ni za middle class lower ama entry. kupoteza kazi miezi tatu unajipata kayole ama unarudi ocha. but like it was said, ni gari za ma domestic helps. kwanza za ubabuni eg. kitusuru husimamishwa na handbrake.