Magic/ Psychedelic mushrooms

I’ve been looking for magic/ Psychedelic mushrooms and I’ll appreciate a lead please.

I want my mind to be blown and to see things like never before. I’ve also heard they alleviate depression which I have long suffered.

I’ve seen previous posts of guys looking for the same but with no success. Help me out…Some guy was selling them online but said he was out of stock when I called him.

PS: I tried hunting for them in a forest reserve but only found these, which are probably poisonous. It’s easy to misidentify them and a slight difference could result in liver failure and death

ziko mob Amazon forest.

you need meat

dark web. say hi to FBI.

Si utumie tu bangi

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Please be serious sometimes

Effects are different from weed, this stuff makes you see colours. Better yet, naweza combine na bangi.

I’m sure someone out there has them.



I dont do drugs but i know someone who uses this lsd he can hook you up with his dealer, i will try one day when i get over my fears to see/feel how a trip is

Just import Ayahuasca from Brazil. You can find it on Amazon. Utaona mungu live live ata kama wewe ni Atheist.

I’ve heard of it. Will it pass through customs?

There is no legislation against it. I have gotten it once but it came with someone travelling

Interested too, leads will be highly appreciated

And the hippies are out…

[SIZE=2]HH Majorprophet, are you sure you are not the one [/SIZE][SIZE=2]out of stock?[/SIZE]
Magic Mushrooms - General - Kenya Talk
Mushroom market - Business - Kenya Talk


Please don’t be facetious. If you know where I can source them let me know. I called one of the guys in one of those links a few weeks ago but he said they were out of stock.

Hakuna mtu huamka anadecide anataka mushrooms. Ask yourself who’s sales pitch you bought and try talking to someone about what you’re going through regarding depression.

Mushrooms won’t fix your problems. Any drug, including alcohol will only serve to boost your escapism.

Busybody, if I’d wanted you’re preaching or counseling or whatever I’d asked for it.

My apologies.