Hope this slip accords me a late lunch. Try it too!
Hope this slip accords me a late lunch. Try it too!
Ukiweka image priss click on ‘full image’ before posting it. Next time nitakuita Selle!
Mliambiwa greediness mwache hamkuskia… Mia mbili na unataka close to 100k?
Hiyo 200 bob ndio ungetumia for late lunch. Sasa umetupa
Kwanza nimeona apo venye amedharau perth Glory na venye ni kabaya kwao…:D:D:D:D:D
Zii! Hehehe…tamaa iliua fisi. But na-realize now kuna vile nilikuwa nachagua zangu tu, kwanza hapo kwa extended markets! But nd’o kuamshwa! Iko in a way that ukibonyeza hako ka ‘i’ ka help kuelewa what the market is all about, inachange market type bila kujua! Jaribu kuangalia uone
Ov. 2.5 and GG is way safe,
Ya Australia, I had (or I thought I had) picked ‘Atleast Away team to Score’, Hiyo ya mwisho, Away was to ‘win either half’. Still…nguuumu!!!
Tamaa mbaya
naona ulishaogelea kwenye feaces