i need your assitance on this one, i want to purchase a small fuel efficient toyota vehicle , i have selected Toyota IST, i have two offers so far , the first one is a March 2004 , 1.3F IST, with 54,000KM , whose link is this one , https://www.sbtjapan.com/used-cars/any/?stockid=US4802 , and the second one is a March 2003 IST , 1.3G IST, with 47,000KM . they share almost similar specs in many other areas . Based on this what would be your recommendation? should i go for a low mileage 2003 IST or go for a 2004 IST with a slightly more mileage of 54,000km.
For cars of that age you MUST do a proper mechanical inspection and go for a thorough road test with a trusted mechanic.am assuming ni local cars, kama ni za Japan wewe ni meffi