Kuna talkers huku walipotea sana. They used to make the forum somehow lively.
Talkers kama
@Savageqq na hekaya zake za USIU
@Nyarwath and his legendary hekayas
@Duke of Coomersvile and his hatred towards single mathas.
@Hennessy & Naps
@Meria Mata
@FieldMarshal CouchP
Kunya nyingi walidefect to ile kenyanlist site. But last i was huko ilikua dull sana. Not much conversation going on
Alaaaaa! Admins wameblock mentioning that site hapa
@Useless Spectator
Ulihama kwa madhee kwanza ghasia hii?
October 9, 2021, 3:42pm
Meria and Field Couch P pop up once in a while but they are active on the other side. @Quanstrom is non other than @Azor Ahai
@Colombo-Combolo pops up once in a while
Jamaa wa pro gas.
Kuna talkers huku walipotea sana. They used to make the forum somehow lively.
Talkers kama
@Savageqq na hekaya zake za USIU
@Nyarwath and his legendary hekayas
@Duke of Coomersvile and his hatred towards single mathas.
@Hennessy & Naps
@Meria Mata
@FieldMarshal CouchP
Corona must have eliminated some of them.
October 9, 2021, 4:29pm
I miss @culture na hekaya zake za kunusia panties za mboch.
Hizi ghasia zisiwai rudi huku
@Meria Mata
@FieldMarshal CouchP kamzew hakana adabu na aibu
@pamba hii jamaa ilikuwa na ushamba sana.
@Elgin huyu alitoroka kwa nini,wasnt a bad chap ama vitz ilifilisisha yeye
@Kihii Kiaganu a very mannerless guy,akae huko
@johntez addi gaza msafi ofcourse wezi wakae na huko
October 9, 2021, 6:10pm
Lien is none other than @uwesmake , mtu blalfakin sana
Sekshen ya cheki maneno iling’olewa na @Administrator .
natambua tu Icecube, Nyarwath, 123tokambio na Jakipash. Hao wengine, especially Guka ni bonobos
October 9, 2021, 8:25pm
@LIEN pop ups at least once a week