Just arrived back from work with dizy head, air full stomach, starving d***… Anywy nmekam mbio niwatch news nikapata zimeisha nikaona nireply some threads hapa as per constitution. Then just before i could spit some rhymes copied from big boy(Google ), realised there are programmes like inspecta mwara, another weird one in KTN ndo ikanihit…why can’t local stations do some new things like local documentaries, u know about individuals maybe or hospitals docs doing their stuff…all am saying doing such programmes for long haileti
It pays peanuts
Summarize hii mambo yote…
Nauza tv tv basi…
Find time to watch sons of anarchy series,very entertaining omwami.
Pesa ngapi?
We’re working on getting local TV shows here.
Right now, we only have Makutano Junction. But as production houses come on board, utajienjoy.
For now, you can watch live TV - choose from the channels you want…
Too lazy to start season 1…tutafika S07 lini?
[QUO"pamba, post: 68172, member: 237"]Find time to watch sons of anarchy series,very entertaining omwami.
SOA it’s dope!
Murugu herbal wanakuanga na documentary on KBC.
@ol monk thanks but i dont make documentaries
I can’t but notice signet has like 10 gospel channels…every time I tune in I see the likes of Pastor kanyari swipping ppl down…not.nkt
hii gospel ya fta turepreach na yule mwenye maskio alichukua yake na ako content na lots of channels including documentaries and sports in glorious HD.
Yah I knw tht en I also knw am missing a lot but some of us are like nomands…I keep moving frm town to town sababu ya job en so I have to get wht is readily available in the mrkt…FTA inataka mtu ako settled
Kuja nikuuzie decoder. Portable, so you can move around with it.
Wewe ni bure tried to give you biz but ulijifanya switi…
asante sana kaka lakini sijui matusi. am not here for that.
ati matusi dude I tried contacting you for the set up and we were about 3 dudes who wanted the connection but you were no show… That’s a bure action
Unless you’re in Mombasa where he is, I doubt he’d be taking JamboJet for that purpose. Ukiingia jamiiforums huwezi kosa an installer near you.
Such is what I was looking for, directions.