Our entire universe is just a microscopic organism in another super/mega/ultra universe. Tafakari hayo.
@Stormtrooper98 This is one of the reasons that I refuse to believe that the ABRAHAMIC god exists. Nimekataa kata kata. If he exists, why is he focusing on earth alone? But again, for those who believe he exists, good for y’all
More. Please, send more. This the only thing am addicted yto
God is omnipotent, God can be focusing on Earth here and aliens on Proxima Centauri B. Stop limiting your mind
A force or a being (for lack of better words) that is responsible for creation of space and time cannot be fully described by a human being. Religions only describe/explain a small part of the being from a standpoint of only what they can understand or comprehend.
We actually live in the eye of a huge creature
This 3rd rock from the moon,aka planet earth ,that we live on was once a “SUN”/molten rock . Via a process called -involution (forget about evolution/creation myth chieth ) [involution is a function, transformation, or operator that is equal to its inverse] the star/sun cooled down by itself for life to exist.
That is what your holy book personifies as Golgotha/crucifixion …the son(rhyme sun) who “died”/gave up his life to give you life .
I’ll repeat this again, the bible is a code book about SUN WORSHIP…the true religion. Saw a thread about Why pyramids are not prominent in the bible …reason is because Bible Overlords can’t risk people starting to get acquainted with esoteric knowledge…
Only light itself can ever reach the speed of light. Light itself always travels at this greatest speed in vacuo.
An infinite quantity of energy would be required to make any existing object travel at the speed of light. Consequently nothing that exists ever can.
A clock, if it were possible for it to travel with the speed of light, would cease to register the passage of time.
T i m e would have stopped for it. It would have ‘caught up’ with time. It would exist timelessly.
Only light can move at the speed of light, therefore light exists timelessly.
Light does not move in time. For itself, it is at rest in time. Only in space does it move in time.
Yet Light, between the moments of emission and absorption, does not exist in space. In space-time, the moments of emission and absorption are the same event.
This property is not able to be accurately represented by any figure in ordinary space. It is unimaginable.
But it can be understood very simply using mathematical symbolism which can be used also to express things which are not light and understand them.
Light illuminates everything upon which it falls. If the light is switched off we are left in darkness.
Seven days of creation myth is pure none sense . Hidden meaning is taxonomy ya biology . There are 7 divisions for categorizing living things .
(1)Kingdom (2) phylum (3) class (4) order (5) family (6) genus (7) species . Kingdom is the broadest . And on the 7th day ,God rested because his creation was complete !!!
What if he didn’t know about those other things? He will start focusing on things like betelgeuse, vy canis majors, and sagittarius A* because the have been discovered.
Stop trolling me :D:D:D
Honestly, your explanation makes much sense than most religions. I’d be inclined to believe that a force exists, rather than god.
But he is omnipotent?
Or maybe there was no force/god… maybe the universe just happened. The problem with going the god/force route is we must also explain how the god came to be like who created the creator.
No human being ever said or thought up something like love your enemy. Do good to those who harm you. That is completely against human nature
Only someone/something from another dimension can have such a perspective
The universe is beyond my imagination so I don’t think that far. I care more about Mars and other reachable nearby bodies like the moon.
Welp, I guess you have shamed us into belief. @Aka mpole are you feeling faithful and convinced?
“The universe just happened” would even be more difficult if not impossible to explain cause every action or process in the universe (space and time) follows set laws that manage it. A certain force must be responsible for the management otherwise it would be chaos.
:D:Dmaybe alisahau penye tuko in the universe…