@FieldMarshal CouchP kuja usikie maneno ya low IQ…
i raise you Bill Burr
looks like your still trying to uncover and pass on the “deep state agenda” in a humorous manner
Take a look a lot more there for example - https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=969&tbm=vid&ei=HiXpXIWvKYKWjgbImIigBQ&q=george+carlin+&oq=george+carlin+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.88092.93354.0.94716.
Believe in all powerful God, he created everything, provide for all our needs but hey, he needs your money first. Jesus would use his powers to feed hungry followers but todays followers have to feed their religious leaders. Fcked shit