Good info there from jirani.
@Nipe Nikusifu flew to USA were he was promised shaking his kinyambizZ like Nikki Minaj will earn him mirrions of dollars , two years down the road homeland security deported him to kayole where he belongs .
@Nipe Nikusifu sells his dirty butt mulolongo alongside whores .[ATTACH=full]441991[/ATTACH]
Yaani he bought that big house on a 1/2 acre plot for just Ksh 19m ($160k)? Kweli life is cheap in the US.
Bado unatombwa mkundu na @ranjeet huko industrial area?
in the US land is a factor of production not a store of wealth…kama hutumii hiyo shamba utalipa land rates wazimu unlike here in bonobo land
Try that in New York.
He’s in some backwater state! Missouri hence the fairly priced house.
I was never eager to live in the United States. I don’t know what the point of living there is, but many people think that this way they rise to some new level for them. I live quietly in the country, bought a house, installed Ajax Systems, now I have a small car loan, but I’ve almost paid it all off. I feel safe and comfortable in nature with my family and I don’t have that frantic pace of the city that I used to have when I lived there with my parents. Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of going somewhere far away, just to be alone with nature.