I have no experience though kuna mwenye alinisumbua hadi I was like, kwani ni lazima? Masomo ilikua inanipea stress, thesis inanimaliza, professors who are super arrogant. I am not the type who can fall in love under stressful circumstances. Jamaa hadi waleo I am like bro. Staki mambo za wanaume mimi. Nyway I don’t them much but I have never found them attractive, something about them just made me just keep off. Anyway habari ndio hio.
Kwani wakale wameanza tabia ya ma oga?
I don’t know the validity of such claims, but one thing about Kenyans is that they get off from one upping each other regardless of circumstances especially online to garner attention
Tru wakale kukatia sijui Kwa nini huwa shida.they prefer rape…hakuna wanaume hudharau na kutwanga mabibi zao kama wakalenjin…trust me Ive lived amongst them…their wives are very docile almost scared creatures in the boma
I know one lady mwenye huchapwa like traditional mijikenda drum na her almighty omuhusband.
The husband is hiv positive
Do you think that someone can make up such a story and even name the exact place where it happened? In a women’s group? Which attention would she find in a woman’s group ? Stop being in denial men are toxic and dangerous and we need to raise awareness to avoid more victims. You don’t know men wewe. Next it is men they will come for. We used to cry about rape while drunk, eventually Brian Chira came out to say that that’s how he got HIV. Now you listen when it happens to one of your own. You saw his downward spiral after that rape and subsequent infection with HIV. Dismiss women at your own risk. After them it is you. Btw this happens to men too. Alot. Some have committed suicide.
I wouldn’t hang my hat on the Brian Chira story. Huyo alipatiana mkia kwa ulevi zake
Sasa @TrumanCapote you will unleash 15 threads about Kalenjin men
They’re not worth the effort.
I went to school with them, washamba to infinity. Urbanized kales are very cool though
Na mbona hizi slay queen zangu nikama hazitambui … rustler ni Pokot na Pokot ni mkale rogue na naweza wanyorosha kaa bloody fuckin’. Vinyangarika zimenizoea sana … sijui nirudi default settings back to jungle software ndo watii ama nini. Kwanza babymama, io msapre bonoko time zake i feel like naweza nyonga … but then again I can’t juu ushinda na threats zingine suicidal na kulia… inabidi rustler na kunja mkia and she gets her way. Bitch really got me by her little finger. Imma go kale on her one of these good ol’ days …and see wah happens. Probably not though…
That video was like an opportunity for guys to unleash all their stereotypes stories about Kalenjins, coz currently Kalenjins are the most hated by “other” Kenyans whose prreferred candidates didn’t win the '22 elections.
Same stereotype jokes and hate had been unleashed on Kikuyus for so long… you would hear things like “thieves” ooh ati their women have no figure, oh ati wanamalizwa na pombe … oh their women kill their husband and other jealous hekayas…
Those were just wayward pooly bred boys from the village and they can be found in any community or tribe…
Accountability ni muhimu. Why did they have to record and upload the video? Then blame people for stereotyping kales? What did they expect? An award? Mambo bado. Their lives are over.
Most kalenjins are still cavemen
Mambo gani bado? Nobody has said they go scot free, even in their back yard they have been condemned harshly! Lakini screen shot ya poko mmoja is supposed to judge a whole 7 million people? That is stupid! Very bonoboish!
Kuna porno ya meno nje ninyonge?
Kitu najua na wakale ni they prefar to have their wives huko mashinani… yeye anaishi kama senoir bachelor in major towns… going home weekly… their kids have a disconnect with their absent fathers. That is for the older born 80s gen… hizi vijana ya 2000s are cut from a diff cloth…
Wakale hustruggle ku catch up with class. I’m told since they have government we might be a lucky generation to have witnessed kale coolkids. Maybe they might never fancy to wear that brown bootleg leather chaget.
I find Kalenjins comfortable in their skin, never thought of them as struggling to catch any class. Wao wako class yao kivyao. The are rarely impressed with westernization like some of us…
Ati since they are now in govt? Maybe you’re young but they have been in government since independence, remember Mo1 was Kenyattas VP for 12 years and then accended the presidency for 24 years… The 5 years Kibaki kept them out between 2002 and 2007 the country errupted…
They play dumb but they aren’t
wacha kuwekelea wakale, simps have no tribe. if anything, wakale walituunganisha pale walipigiga madam ssenga mijuols as a team