Lets count in Lingala

Basic numerals

Three…Misato or Misatu
Five…Mitano or Mitanu
Eight…Mwambe or Mwambi
Eleven…Zomi na moko(yaaani one plus ten)
Twelve…Zomi na mibale(two plus ten) and the sequence goes on like that till…
Twenty…Ntuku Mibale( not Zomi Zomi)
Twenty one…Ntuku na mibale na moko
Thirty…Ntuku Misato
Forty…Ntuku na mine…and the sequence goes on in that format till,
One Hundred…Nkama or Monkama or Mokama
Five hundred…Nkama Mitano
One thousand…Nkoto
Five thousand…Nkoto Mitano etcetera etcetera etcetera.

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Karibu ktalk @POTUS

Mirioni = one million

Yaicks… Cant imagn i hacked that clap for me meeen!!


@biraru Nice try.

Tupatie hekaya lesson ikuwe asubuhi

yea moko! literary means you are the one… can be loosely translated to mean “you are da man!”

yekoye lingala

@Mkufuu Ozali Malamu? Olobaka Lingala?

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Ten thousand. …zomi nkoto

@semi arid hapo sasa.

Hii kilingala malamu saana…yaani ngumu Sana.

@birabu You gave up trying…One million is ‘Nkeseh’

@123tokambio Hahahahaha! Try again.Malamu is ‘very well’ and not hard.You should have added ‘te’ meaning ‘not good’

@Mkufuu Oyekola lingala na kituba?

@ol monk you remember that lingala hit by General Defao, ‘Sala Noki’?, it simply means ‘Hurry up’. and ‘Masuwa’ by Wenge Musica? Masuwa means Boat or Ship. We can also refer to @Wakanyama in Lingala as Moteki-nyama’ yaani ‘the butcher’.


@ol monk It should be ‘Bana ba Africa’ yaani ‘watoto wa afrika’
‘Africa Mobimba’ yaani ‘Afrika Kubwa’…Mobimba means ‘big’.
‘Bakolenga’ this comes from the word ‘Kolenga’ meaning ‘to arrange or organise’ so Bakolenga
may mean ‘organisers,arrangers’ or ‘wamepanga’ yaani 'they have arranged or organised.
‘Pasuka Nyama’…Pasuka means ‘to be worn out’ and ‘Nyama’ means ‘animal meat’ so it means
Worn out meat.

@ol monk sometimes yes.the confusion is inevitable especially when they try to speak swahili.

libala ni nini, je?

@Koolibah Libala or Mabala in plural means ‘marriage’ or ‘family’.

haiya! yenyewe she really loved me. she was thinking libala?

@Koolibah Why did u not marry her?