On it… before I’m in it how come this idiots declined tariff free trade amongst African nations?
There is no bigger shithole in Africa than that Lagos place. Nilienda huko once nikashangaa. Concrete everywhere. No reason to visit except business. Ata madame wanakaa tu wanaume na wamebleach kama 80%
that doesnt sound like Lagos at all.I dont think you are being genuine
Am wondering too. People just yap here to intimidate others on matters of travel.
I don’t know.
Shithole capital
Pathetic shithole republic
have been to Lagos more than 15 times, atleast China wameingia juzi kutengeneza their roads.
Runway itself in the airport has potholes ka Nairobi CBD
Nairobi is slowly turning into lagos tho
In some places its already there.