Ladies and gentlemen

Back in the day, approaching a woman was an Herculean task. The main reason being that you never knew how she would respond to your move. Things would be easy if you met that lass who had some interest in you and she would easily dance to your tune, but woe unto you if the girl did not want anything to do to you, hapo ndio ungetaka ardhi ifunguke uzame ndani.

A girl would give you a proper stare down na akuulize if you are okay in the head to think that you and her could be an item. Others would just look at you with disdain and you’d not even try your luck. The gentlemen would count their losses and hope for better luck with the next target while the bad boys would throw insults to at least lessen the pain of rejection. I’m sure the Davidee’s would act unbothered by this but cry themselves to sleep or in the shower where nobody could see. Those were the good old days Sigh.

However, times have changed and nowadays it’s easier for guys to approach ladies (indirectly though) thanks to Technology, 80% of the first meetings usually come after long hours of conversation and familiarization through social media, but there still exist the Alphas who find joy in hunting their prey the old-fashioned way. This leads to my observation that nowadays, a lady will not turn you down directly the way we were accustomed to; that is, telling you straight that @uwesmake. However, they will comply and even go to the extent of giving you their numbers when deep down they know that they don’t like you. So the next time you holla at the lady, unapata she’s unresponsive, bored and others even block you before you can get to know her. Maybe they do this to protect our ego but at long last matokeo ni yale yale.

Thus leading to my question to the pink handlers, why do you really do this? Yaani umenipa number vile tumemeet nikafikiri there’s a 30% chance now but tukianza kubonga unaanza shenanigans. What does this mean? Kama ni chali uko naye just say it na tutaelewa but there’s nothing that’s unsettling as a good cold silence from a lady.

To the men, would you prefer dem akuambie live live that hakutaki for abc reasons or would you prefer she massages your ego and raises your hopes then delivers an RKO outta nowhere ukianza kuchat or kuholla.



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Sawa take the poll.

Both options to me are the same. With age you approach your lays as targets and you doing it for fun. The issue of rejection doesn’t arise anywhere at all. You guys should be stepping out a little more to see all the beautiful girls who want some heavy piping.


The moment a man bases his ego on being approved and noticed by a woman/women is the moment a man gives away his ego and becomes a whuss____Alchemist 2017


this poll would have been appropriate if it was done during the DEC holidays… when the schoolers were roaming aimlessly in the village.

A Kangaroo cannot walk backwards.


I call it outcome independence


Tembeza madem ni wengi


hehehehhe umenikumbusha nikiwa myoung in the 90s nikatie dem ajiringe zile ’ kuma ’ nilishout zimeshinda dictionary . but reverse mtu akatie dada yako ukiwa na yeye zile matusi ziliflow noma sana .

hii poll weka tuone nani ame piga kura aje ?

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Well said…

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Am no longer bothered by rejection. It’s part of life.


kitambo i used to walk around them yello yellos flirt with them n ask myself "do they like me " these days from a distance i look at their attitude personality n character n ask myself “how now?!”

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As the saying goes “Rejection is better than regret”

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Na mbona when a chic rejects u after dating for sum months ten unasema isorait but after a while like kitu 1yr or so anakutafuta vibaya sana!!Never understood!!

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