Still how you associate fat with money is ridiculous. After chuo na first salo ya 20k nlikua nakula all the time to revenge chapo choma days. So kugain weight kiasi na kautambi ka sembe, everyone was like… Si una pesa.
But anyway, ako successful achana nae. No one is entitled to have same body/face, soon he will be in politics, tired old and corrupt like hell. Workout success yako upost hapa.
Simple, those are all effects of crazy drinking and junk food. Am sure when these dudes used to hassle, he would buy proper and eat proper food like sembe Na sukuma wiki Na saa zingine kaquarter beef.
But then came the big mullaz and now its Friday hadi hadi Sunday morning kwa club, choma, burgers, pizzas and the likes. Rarely treks. All that definitely changes the body…
Hahaha. Reminds me of head cook wetu in a certain high school I used to study in western. He was too fat with a round stomach and we used to call him Libwoni (meaning Sweet Potato). He knew this was his nickname and any person that dared call him that would be denied food at the dining hall.