This is the result of several fatherless generations, this people are so damaged beyond comprehension it’s almost impossible to reel them back. Worst part the dems have convinced them they are victims basically the dems have found a way to enslave them again with no chains, this chaps cant think beyond race and slavery you hear them talk you might think they still have blisters from picking cotton !
Thanks to welfare and the crack epidemic .
These are just teens goofing around. No need to run such occurrences through a philosophical sieve.
before 1960 , black americans had strong african familial structures… then uncle sam broke down the black family structure after the civil rights movement… their reason is obvious…
It’s not a single isolated incident ,this is even nothing Im talking about what blacks there have embraced as cultural norms, the violence, single parent home, the race card etc
Family structure was broken down during slavery.
This clip was a hot topic yesterday. Surprisingly twitter did not ban this clip.
You won’t see Afroconscious brothers like @Ndindu and @LuandaMagere commenting on such material.
Same night. Chicago juneteenth celebrations.
Must you throw in politics… some of these blacks don’t give shit about political party