Kuna Siku Wilson Airport Ilikua Africa's Busiest For Its Category & Did Kenya Have More Mercedes Cars Than Germany Ama Ilikuwa Jaba?

Wilson Airport in Nairobi is named after millionaire settler-farmer, Florence Kerr Wilson.

It was previously called Nairobi West Aerodrome, but the Kenyan government saw it fit to rename it after her in 1962. After all, she owned it before the colonial government snatched and made it part of the Royal Air Force during World War II that lasted six years to 1945.


Mercedes Benz W124 was very popular in the 1990s. There was a common story that In Kenya there were Mercs than in Germany


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Germans love Volkswagen in all its categories, from Golf to Touregs. Fuhrer who introduced the car to them and whom they still dearly love must be adored kichinichini

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Heil Hitler!

There were more Mercedes Benz 124 in the City of Berlin alone than the whole of East Africa combined.

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If your dad owned this make ya Mercedes Benz enzi zile jua tu you have brothers and sisters hautawahi wajua.


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Ndindu hii benz unaeza tuchambulia mashida zake, Huwa naambiwa ni gari msuri sana. Saw one ikiuzwa 400k pale buruburu, ni safi but nkajiuliza spare ntapata wapi…

This is the Corolla of Mercedes Benz. It was built to last for ever. In Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Iraq it has been used as a Taxi for long. It is easy to work on as it had basic electronics unlike C and S series that are laden with countless sensors.

Moi also had them in his fleet of escorts

1.3 Million KM on the Odometer and still running



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Been contemplating kushika Moja ya ubazuu