Kuchngulia tu

Kijiji imekuwa meff, admin how do you expose a talker even if you have some issues with her @?makena i don’t support her posts 100% but that was below the belt, ile siku utanianika using your other handle tutafika misri, good day talkers.

umbwa ghassia takataka wochman unakula rushwa daily na unakuja hapa kuchukua the high moral line

hio thread ime malaysia, nani ako na screenshots?

it was bound to happen. not justifying it but you do not antagonize virtually everybody and expect it to be biz as usual. a lot has happened in this kijiji this week…

@Ice_Cube ako nayo

howdy dear…been a minute

Nugu, mayonda, sokwe, konokono, unasema Nina?


Huyo George makei alikuwa ameanza kuleta kichwa pia yeye akule ujeuri yake

Pamba you once sent me a message on a different handle asking me to join some WhatsApp group. What makes you think a member there will not expose you? Hata Georgina alisema yake ilianzia biashara kwa inbox then the guy disappeared.

Yaaani you did not see even one bit of what went down but ushaanza kupeana verdict? hehehehe talkers…

There is exposing and then there is bringing ujinga kwa biashara. Daily bread. In this economy? Apana.

Huyu mjaka ni nani?

He he he he hu hu hu hu!

Continue asking and you shall get the answer…

It was more complex than you put it pamba. The expose happened due to social engineering. No data was leaked. She made some mistakes in her inbox and fell into a trap

@gashwin ,kiulizio tu mjaka ni nani? :confused: sijawahi jua. As in is it a nickname of another mod ama ni admin?

Wewe watchman wa monument ya Tom Mboya unasema nini?Hueleweki kabisaa.Uletewe kiti??

Huyu Makena ako na maadui wengi hata huwezi jua nani anamvamia

Huyo mjaka ni… ni… ni… uyo.

Ati anauza coomer for 50k?