Today i need to know whether I’m the only one bothered by the preponderance of nincompoops on this God forsaken forum? How did I arrive at that conclusion, you ask. It was by seeing what kind of listings Ktalkers participate in most. They don’t like the smart shit that takes time and research and wit to come up with. They are however infatuated by a posting titled ‘Kunguru safi kwa mafisi wala nyama’ that only contains a photo of a socialite picked from the Internet. It abhors me how little people have in between their ears. If I had Superman’s X-ray vision I would be vindicated for that statement. The X-ray images of people’s crania from this forum would make Vera Sidika look like a polymath!
Why am I on the this forum, you ask, since ot seems I’m head and shoulders above the level of intellect that is on display here? It’s because I want to show that I’m actually that - above the level of intelligence that is here. I want acknowledgement of that. I know I won’t get it because someone somewhere has posted some socialite’s selfie and the troops have surrounded the post like an enclave all hoping to respond with an emoji. (Reminds me: what’s the emoji for stupid because I need to use it on most of your posts and comments?)
Holy fuck! I’ve just wasted 4 minutes of my life that I will never get back. The minutes would have been better spent masturbating. So my brainless brothers and sisters can we all just masturbate to the sun shining as was intended from the beginning!
And now the image of a (pussy)cat masturbating[ATTACH=full]175316[/ATTACH]