Zhank You for Cricking my nthread Asante sana! Now yesternight i had a dream (not the martin Luther king dream) but an interesting dream that when i woke up in the morning i couldn’t help but smile at how the village is kinda feels like home, Anyways TC was in a club like setting just chilling; looking fresh lets call the club Ktalk Club relaxing ♩ ♫ music playing, the Dj doing his mix then he plays the song by “yellow claw- DJ Turn it up” that’s when i hear loud screaming near the Dj’s booth, some ladies were jiratting their hips seriously, so TC gets excited and decides to move a little closer. Wow! the ladies are really Twerking it, TC is impressed, really impressed so i decide to join them (I am not that much of a dancer so the best i could do was just thump my chest) Then the estate dogs start howling that makes TC wake up at 4:30am feeling that the dream shouldn’t have been cut short so abruptly. But anyway what i can remember about the dream is a little sketchy but one Ktalk lady was really trying to outdo the others @Female Perspective i think, could be, must be. she is the one in the middle upside down. Ohh and thats me thumping my chest.
[ATTACH=full]12023[/ATTACH] Music