I would like to take this opportunity to launch the official ktalk kitty fundraiser, contributions of which will go to the maintenance, growth and improvement of the community.Your contributions are welcomed.
Managing an online community such as ktalk is fun and is a great privilege.But to survive, grow, and constantly provide a better experience for members and visitors, forums require more than just hard work: they need financial support. I want to first talk about why it can be important to raise money and why raising money from an online community isn’t a bad thing to think about, even if some may tell you that it is.
Mentioning “money” alongside “online community” or “online forums” can sometimes be a contentious thing to do. I understand why, but at the same time, I don’t think it’s necessary to be on the defensive about money or monetisation.When some people, hear that you are considering how you can generate revenue, or more revenue, from the community, they leap to the worst possible conclusion. For example, they may interpret you as meaning:
[li]“I want to get every last penny I can out of the community.”[/li]
[li]“I am going to fill every page with advertisements!”[/li]
[li] “I don’t care about the community or about usability – it’s all about the money!”[/li]
While these things can be true, they are not always and they are certainly not true of every administrator.Personally I love ktalk, have invested in it and care very deeply about the future of this community.I defend it vigorously from those looking to abuse it for quick monetary gain.It is exceptionally important that managing an online community should be approached as a serious responsibility, because it is one. If this work has to be done well, it takes a lot of time and skill. Whether it is a hobby or your full time thing, it is serious and I believe it is appropriate for those managing an online community to generate revenue from it, in a manner in which the community feels is appropriate.If this is done in an unethical or shortsighted way, i’m sure villagers will vote with their feet and leave. It is all part of the equation of community management.
KenyaTalk is not a unique medium that is somehow meant to be devoid of revenue making. It is a website, like any other, that utilises resources, both human resources and financial ones.When I enjoy a website or forum, I don’t think that the people behind it should have to toil away for the rest of their lives on what I enjoy and never earn an income. Instead, I want them to be as successful as they can be – wealthy even, if it’s possible, without damaging their brand or community.And I believe that a majority of people who partake in a free service of some kind understand that. If an online forum is not financially supported in some way, it is usually always a hobby or a side thing and when it comes time to cut things out of your life, it might suffer or not fully achieve it’s potential.
Many great forums never request their members to contribute. If they are able to sustain that then that’s awesome. I have total respect for that. I just believe that member donations should be an option to support the community.All communities have financial and/or personal costs and if those costs become too much to bear, the stability of the forum is threatened. Revenue generation can be a natural part of the process of securing a forum’s future.An online community can take a lot of work to maintain, to the point where it can become a full time role. I believe that it is perfectly acceptable for that community to be supported money wise like any other web service – like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and countless others.
What i’d like to emphasise is that the purity of the services offered should not be threatened because the people behind them need to live.You can show your support by contributing whatever amount you are comfortable with.
Thank you,