Kodi on slow networks

Mbisha have refused to upload, don’t know why.

I’m assuming you already have your video add-ons installed.

Go to Video, then Add-ons
Highlight the add-on in this case Exodus but don’t click it. If you use a Keyboard Press C, if you use touchscreen press and hold. However, you bring up your settings options.
Go to Add-on settings and select.
Select Max Quality. Adjust your Quality using the up down buttons. If you select Auto-play, make sure you select force SD playback. That is if you are selecting a quality of SD.

At 480P, virtually anything can work.

Select OK and go to the next Add-on.

Press C on Keyboard and open settings.
Click add-on settings.
Go to source management. Scroll down.
Maximum TV Show quality. Select your Quality.
Scroll down to Maximum Allowed Movie Quality and select quality. Click O.K. and go to next add-on.

Press C select Add-on settings.
Click Add-on settings.
Select Quality.

A few add-ons that allow you to change quality are Genesis (not being updated) Exodus, Salts, USTVnow Plus, and Specto I haven’t tried others. Just go into settings of an add-on and see.
TV4Me, Teevee, Ororotv all use lower quality sources and a lot of sections in Phoenix have multiple quality sources.


Can someone give me something i can enjoy watching @Kodi?,Phoenix and sportsdevil has been my access points.

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@Jazzman help configure TVMC while using a proxy setting. it is refusing to connect

Nimetry mara mob ikikataa. Bado sijapata vile inaeza connect

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These movies don’t play

Which movies?

Nilitumia mpaka procifier zote but bado inakataa:(