KMTC Honey

Nurses do it better … :D:D






Leo nakubaliana na wewe

I would like to do a nurse. Especially a student one


Hii hua a major fishing ground… I guess pia manurse Huwa na ukuunguru pia

No …
I can confirm that they are just Human … :D:D


Avoid KMTC girls at all costs! Na ukipata never dry fry.

Chances za kuokota luwere are very high.

kuna wa 16 years hapo kiambu naweza kurushia

To be honest, i want to smash a KMTC chick.

What’s the genesis of this wisdom? I see it here all the time. What makes KMTC women more susceptible to ukunguru and luwere?

Nurses and clinicians are prone to infections in the line of duty. It’s given. Plus wanakulana wenyewe kwa wenyewe becuase their professional setting ni kitanda.
Then the nurses worship the doctors. All it takes is one sick person, mmoja tu. Anapita na the entire squadron. But of course kuna outliers but never take your chances.

Tamu sana…

I have smashed like 5 kungurus za kmtc

Nalamba back to front. Fixed price

@Thiem ndio daktari wa hao kmtc nurses.

Hapo sawa


rusha namba inboks commander…that is my hood…

Number ilikuja??

Fancy @cheekbusta …He is one