Having had been raised in the streets of Marmanet,Fisiology was one of the Courses each boy must have
parsued in the school of life.
I was raised in a Village where almost every homestead brew Chang’aa.Only a few homes were not into it and my home was one of them.
It wasn’t an odd thing having met a 5 year old boy drunk,this was a common thing in the village.
So you can guess why i consume many litres of ‘Jug Daniels’.
So it’s after form four that my parents realised i would have drowned in the field of “Anyui a Fangii.”
I had started associating with with a group of some big Mboys who were famous.They weren’t famous because of their good behavior.No.
The group comprised of around 10 mboys.
The group was known for many things.Keru Wa Miriyor and Pish Kash Davids were the leaders of the crew.
They took all types of liqour,from Chang’aa,Busaa,Muratina and the famous kairasy.The latter was known to cut one’s intestines and they would make one grow thin.No Wonder keru and Pish are Mahînjas.
They took all types of drugs including fangi and Karwaraaa.
They were the best climbers in the village and were known to have ferked each and every lady in the village.
Though they came to end their fisiological nature after an incident that occured and had made Keru almost undergo calstration.That’s a story of another day.
So it was my association with Keru and Pish that made my Mum send me to Kinangofu to my uncles place.
My uncle was one of those strict christians who sticked to christianity in every way.He was a stern follower of these Mûtara Mûtara Churches.
At first things moved on well and i became one of the best youths within my church.
In two month’s i was recomendend as a sunday school teacher and i was famous among all the members in the church.
It reached a point where some parents would trust me in offering advise to their sons and daughters who were in high school.
I recall one incident where one of the seniors in the church invited me into her home to talk to her daughter who had become notorious.
She had started moving with bad boys and according to her parents she was dressing badly.By then Wearing trousers was beleived to be very bad and was associated with demonic influence.
So the day came and together with her parents we went to their home.
We got there and sat in the sitting room taking some cold juice with her dad as we waited for the girl to join us…
(Wacha nicharge simu kiasi kabla haka ka K.C kaishe.Nitarudi baadae Lakini mimi Kinangofuu sitawai rudii)
I hate this idiocy ya kutomaliza hekaya. Kama humalizi story shut the fuck up because some of us have other important things than waiting for part 2. Shieeetttt
Write your reply …
“My uncle was one of those strict christians who sticked to christianity in every way.He was a stern follower of these Mûtara Mûtara Churches.”
Iam not in a position to finish the writeup.But iam currently working on it.
Otherwise if you feel you aint that patient,you can as well assume and move on.
Rudi Jebi ama Ngarua ulete finished product. People have busy lives and you should respect that by not giving half-baked stories
Bado nimekwamia hapo kwa Jebi.Hahaha
Umeffi ndio utaacha kijana ya Jebi(ama ni Mairo inya?) Tutigithie wana mani.
This shit was posted here just the other day but in a different version.
what is this a soao opera where we go for commercial breaks si afadhali uende commercial after kukamua round 1
Wait until you have the final part
Fisi mkuu
I nowadays scroll to the end of a hekaya and see if the part two nonsense is there. Kama iko I close the tab and move on
these kind of hekayas belong to kili-man mums
Half baked hekaya. Makende ya siafu.
NV kimya!
NV kimya!