Kenyan "Vietnam" ..?

So Nabii Zakayo wants to send 1000 Kenyan Policemen to Haiti …
Yet …
We are mired regionally in Somalia with the never ending fight with Al Shabaab.
We are even challenged in the fight against Local Bandits , Cattle Rustlers and local fights over Grazing and Water Rights …
We are dropping our Kiganjo Police College misfits into a hostile , alien environment where :-

  • There are language and cultural barriers.
  • The enemy is a collection of extreamly skilled , rag tag unregulated militia.
  • The enemy is mixed in with family and community.
    [ … how do you differentiate Combatants from Non-Combatants …??? ]
  • The enemy is equipped with highly sophisticated weapons and supply logistics.
  • The enemy has high moral and a vast Drugs and Smuggling Empire to defend.
  • The enemy has sympathisers within the current Haitian Government.
    Many here think this is just another cake-walk adventure to go and make lots of US Dollars …
    Get ready for the Body Bags …
    This is our “Vietnam”

It is drug they will peddle their knowing how money compromise our security forces…and these druglords are always liquid like hell it’s an underworld world drugs the main source of capital

Haiti was a beautiful country before discovery of oil and gas . Check out videos of Haiti from the 80s backwards.

The crime menace in Haiti is more than meets the eye.

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A small island nation with a population of 12 million.

With just a few bright leaders , Tourism , Agriculture , Marine Economy , Finance and Tech Industries , this is a nation that could really thrive , given its proximity to a huge US market …
Problem ni ujinga mingi … :rage: :fire:


Having abundant natural resources is not a cure for Instability , Backwardness , Stupidity and Bad Leadership …
Ask Sudan , Eqatorial Guinea , Mozambique , Angola , Chad , Gabon , Cameroon , Mauritania , Somalia , Nigeria , Zambia and Zimbabwe …
BURE KABISA … :rage:


This wont end well

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Nobody is complaining, let the cops meet their match there.They are used to harassing defenceless citizens


Even better

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For who the policemen? The govt?

Sikio la kufa halina dawa.
We have people who are too clever to be advised, and they must have their way. So, God shall have mercy on whom He shall have mercy. There is no more to say.


They knee grows

Fuck the imperialists , racists, homosexuals aggressive, warmongering American motherfuckers. They deserve the worst those dogs . Their economy is build on suffering of others just like their western fellow homosexuals. They deserve tonnes of fentynl to die like dogs they are .

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They will deploy mostly from paramilitary trained AP including the RDU, BPU, Anti stock theft na gsu recce. These are capable officers who serve in the frontline in our country. Kenya stands to reap monetary gains from this excursion, and if they are auccesful it will be a big plus to our country’s image. I have had close interactions with these units, especially the Border Patrol Unit special unit who’s curriculum and (american)trainers ape the US border control unit. They are a disciplined force with advance skills and machinery as well to tackle armed resistance. But my worry is, sending a 1000 personell while we are dealing with shabbabs na cattle rustlers back home will not resonate well with the common mwananchi. We should have stability back home so that we can contribute boots to ther countries. Anyway the skills and expertise that these units will come back with will be advantageous to us as we deal with insurgents and armed militia within and outside our borders.

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Boss …
It will be like watching a Train Crash in slow motion …
It will end in worse tears …
Some of us remember what happened at the KDF El Adde FOB in Somalia …:fire::fire:

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