Kenyan Somali MPs Loyalty

This development really worries me …
Where does the Loyalty of these individuals really lie … ??? :roll_eyes:

As I said it’s high time we liquidate all Somali cunts and send them back to their shithole because it’s either us or them in the near future, the way they despise us in our own lands killing wakamba and saying mkamba mmoja Tu ? Should be enough to show the country these dog fuckers will run us down and massacre us the way northern Nigerian Muslim dogs kill the rest at south .
Fucking Somali pigs

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And we should only send their men and boys leaving the women and girls here so that we get them appropriate MBARUya husbands for assimilation purposes. MBARUyas are doing good job pale Central nowander shainy eyes girls wameanza kukua na matako


A story is told of a thief that used to steal the farmer’s goats. On this particular night he went to steal, a hyena had also broken into the shed. Fumbling around the dark the thief grabbed the hyena thinking it was a goat. Once he got home he locked the door only to discover alikuwa amejikaanga coz the hyena was also out to get a meal.

We keep entertaining these guys na ujinga yao n one day itakuwa shida kubwa.


Somali’s conquered Nairobi a long time ago. They occupy the largest landmass in kenya from Kitui to Mandera.
They are incharge of DCI, Defence, NIS, Military Intelligence.

It’s only a matter of time before they get bold enough to make national decisions. Ata huduma center ya city square niliona wako well represented


Asi kavaluku akyangai? Somalis and Yemenis are the same people, nikama kusema Kenyan Somali. They are fighting the people you despise, from Israel. They are the very same ones causing all the trouble in the Horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden. They’re now here at home knocking at your door. First they came for the communists, as the saying goes.

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I don’t know why you are panicking… Those F*ckers hate each other, Trust me they lack Unity When required… For instance, in Ethiopia the Oromo and Somali Population account for over 40% of the Population and yet they cant control Shit… They are always at the mercy of the More Superior Ethnic Groups in Abyssinia (the Amharas and Tigrayans)…


We want them to go to europe instead of coming here. Look how scandinavia is succlent, ripe for islamisation. Angalia britain and france. That’s where all the action is. Even yuess. So trump should not win and close the open borders. We need them to go there, not come here.

Those saying watoke europe are doing us a great disservice. This is their fault.

Halafu gods people want to send more of them to congo!!! Unbelievable!!! Congo where even hawako hata mmoja.

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They’re coming to Kenya in shit loads from UK. Ask around.


Because misguided africans have sided with racist europeans to kick them out of europe and back to africa.

Very discouraging.

It’s their job to speak but Ethiopia is still our ally. It’s hypocritical since the biggest somali population is actually in Ethiopia

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Watu ya @Bingwa_Scrotum wako tu sawa. Community interests traverse artificial boundaries

Man! ignorance will kill you some day. Ni wewe unategemewa kwenu?

Did they use the same energy to denounce piracy and alshabab?

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Ah. It shouldn’t trouble you what will kill me. What should trouble you is that your favorable opinion of europe sometimes hurts your own continent. Your own people.

Teach your girlfriend to wipe from the front to back. Then come make noise near me.

:green_emoji: wacha tu unishinde for now…

Why would they live UK for kenya I have never understood this

Can I make an attempt? There is growing discontent among certain europeans towards immigrants from africa and middle east. Those europeans want the immigrants to return to their home countries because they are not “integrating”. They are not secularising or adopting local attitudes.

And in other news, certain africans - in their mutual dislike for these immigrants - have sided with the europeans to teach these immigrants a lesson. Yaani to kick these immigrants out of europe. Ndio sasa wana kuja hapa vile nani amesema.

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