Why is our intelligence agency so secretive to the public?
No info on recuitment or nothing ama ni sisi hatujui watu
I usually see the CIA being very open in recruitment etc ama its also a measure against counter intel
Why is our intelligence agency so secretive to the public?
No info on recuitment or nothing ama ni sisi hatujui watu
I usually see the CIA being very open in recruitment etc ama its also a measure against counter intel
Even Mossad recruits openly
Kenya NIS lazima ujue insiders, kuna time nikiwa university i wanted to join niliitishwa 350k, i was ready to pay but nikaacha after being advised against joining them.
The first thing to look for when looking for information online is to find whether a company has website a quick google search returned this site
They advertise occasionally. It’s always in the newspaper, also they prefer candidates who are from the armed forces, sio raiya mara mbogi ya Kayole kina @johntez addi gaza msafi whom discipline cannot be appraised
Why were you advised against joining?
But if people are paying to join an agency that is supposed to protect us kweli wako na passion ya job?:oops:
Not all join through backdoor i guess but recruitment yao ni secretive
Something like once you are in you can never get out, or if you get out you will always be monitored
Huko ni kwa watoto wa matajiri na senior government officials
You see police going to wines and spirits in broad daylight wakichukua 50 bob from every shop. What do you think NIS do under the veil of secrecy?
Uliona kupanua mcoosh iko more profitable?
This is like the 337th thread asking about this recruitment.
For the umpteenth time, please be advised that you don’t find them; they find you! Obviously, they can’t touch anyone discussing their manenos online with a 10ft pole.
And it’s true, once you’re in, no escaping this…
@magreb wanted to join unfortunately he had to be content with being a police reservist
Naskia alichoka kungoja mshahara from NPS akakua bandit.
Upuss. Mimi after kutoka MI6 sii bado naingianga SJ bila msee yeyote kunisumbua.
Your degree is credible and acquired from a reputable university sii kama ya @Weyn who was given powers to read along River Road.
So you are working tirelessly to distract me from commenting on thoroughbred horses to come comment of demented three legged donkeys? My stand on Kenyan forces is well documented in my published articles in respected refereed journals.
Uko na actioable intelligence yeyote relevant to national security, unaweza provide niku hook up na handler wangu hapo NIS.
Quit day dreaming.
Mkenya mwenye natambua na hii mambo ya tactical security and macro risks, and who has written refereed articles on the same, is currently deployed in Central Africa by a South African security firm.
Prior to his current deployment, for the last three years year he was in Mozambique pale Mocimboa de Praia…
Wewe unajua ni apart from Pokot and Turkana bandits?