Aki if you are depressed look for help, stop drinking also coz it will depress you more. Please talk to someone ata kama ni priest and also take antidepressants and pray alot. Suicide is very painful to the family. Don’t do it please. This is in Nanyuki.
What’s the back story? He’s better than those who decide to take others with them tho. RIP
Cases of men deleting themselves are on the increase. Ni vile tu most of the cases are going unreported.
Life is very hard.
Talk to someone…
Tell someone …
When you do so , you quickly find out that you are not the first to face such a predicament and very often , the solution is just under your nose …
Especially in matters of the heart or rejection …
I recall back in the College days , I fell out with an over-ambitious , very hot , bootylicious thing who yearned for instant material gratification and a top lifestyle that was beyond my means at the time …
Fast forward , now she is a professional and successful , but a separated mother of two , who occasionally calls to ask if we can link up for some fun like the old days …
I always respectfully decline …
Never walk back into a swamp that you were successfully rescued from …
There is something seriously wrong with our Juveniles …
Apana. Ni vizuri mtu ajnyonge. I can even donate a rop
Wangekuwa na PMS monthly je? Men are weak. Puny.
His shadow looks better poised and bolder than him
Mtu akiwa depressed hana time ya kufikiria mara mbili. Akifikiria suicide ni hapo
Suicide is not an event
Boss …
We went very wrong somewhere along the line with this generation of Juveniles …
Boys who have no gumption or self worth …
Boys who behave more like little Girls instead of future Men …
A cursed generation …
It is our current crop of Juveniles ..
Our Ancestors must be turning in their Graves ..
The poor Soul probably could not handle rejection …
These young hoodrat females are often very brutal …
He has white hair. Anyway, ukishikwa, DENY DENY DENY kama huyo Mse.
Depression needs professional counseling.
It is a cowards way of avoiding to deal with unpleasant realities …
In some societies , suicide victims are considered Clan or Family embarrasments and are quickly buried without Ceremony or Fanfare …
There so many things happening in your life some will be successful and some will be failure. One thing I ask myself. What the worst that can happen if I fail. Everyday you wake up is a new chance to change the failures to success. One step from failure toward success is better than sitting in failure
Hii ni nini ya mtu kushinda akibembeleza?
Kumbe uko na akili !!!