The Current education system which is an adoption of the British system, should be DE-colonized to handle our Kenyan challenges and goals.Issues i have are
1.System Centered around exams,no appreciation/recognition for talent
2.We have teachers not mentors
3.Not teaching to think but memorize
4.Its the root of what is wrong in the country…
you are very right…perhaps we start with retraining the teachers who are products of the same system?
so whats the solution?
All Kenyans know what’s wrong with everything but they offer no solutions.
1.System Centered around exams,no appreciation/recognition for talent
More Investment in term games and drama festivals…
2.We have teachers not mentors
emphasize on formation of clubs in schools such as debate club…research clubs…such that mwalimu asikuwe mtu wa darasa sasa anakuwa pia club kuongea na wanafunzi et cetera
3.Not teaching to think but memorize
hapa nisaidiwe
Blame it on politics. I thought with new constitution things would be different. …see what one prof Kaimenyi did. …in fact right now we have in class 8 pupils who were denied registration last year for kcpe reason they were not 14year old in 2015. …retrogresive policy in education sector. Now we have another one taking over the supervision of schools in the country
When I get kids I’ll home-school them. Trusting that strangers have your child’s best interests at heart is silly.
True to that we are mass producing zombies
Look at how the north american system works. The high school kids take only four classes per semester. Now compare that to a form one taking 12 freaking subjects. Only memorization can save you. I remember a bunch of us in form one were busted with mwakenya ya history class. We just wanted to pass the damn classes and we didn’t give a sh!t about who the heck zinjanthropus was!
Also hawana ujinga za KCSE memorizing what you have learnt in four whole years! The fvck is that? Instead each university program has a set of required courses that you should take in high school and your grades in those courses only is what matters. The course could be offered in form 3 or form 4. It’s up to the student to choose the courses and do well in them. Simple as that.
Our current system needs an overhaul na msianze kusema ati we passed through it so let them go through the same. That’s backward thinking.
so your excuse for cheating in exams was that the education system is obsolete?
Its good that you are concerned, but the system is working well. Its is doing what it is supposed to do. Forget all tales from parents and teachers. The three tiered instruction system we have is meant to produce serfs, and it does that well. What you are suggesting is that the powers that be shoot themselves in the ass by developing a population that can think for itself. It is upon you to know whats your place in society. As for the education system, wajinga ndio waliowao.
wanaweza kuwa wengine wowote? @xuma kuja hapa…
The order of society is set. it can hardly be changed. The system includes parents, teachers and all authority figures. Once you are born, all these people in authority work very hard to push you into serfdom. The weird thing is that this is the only way they think prosperity can be achieved, against all evidence. Very few escape my friend…because as a product of the same system…YOU also believe that it is the best, and you will put your children through it. The few that escape join the elite to ensure that the same system prevails for their own benefit and preservation. The very few that are clever teach their children otherwise. Thats why a “king” will steal the whole world for his children and teach them the essence of politics, and have them obtain a Msc for show. A poor man will preach honesty to his children and give himself as a living example in addition to telling them to obey what they are told by authority figures. The hegemony has everybody programmed, from the parent to the teacher to the chief… Everyone. They just sit back and the program self-executes forever.
The system is flawed. I opted to cheat because I just didn’t have the time to study for all those classes. In high school we used to do all our exams in three days. All 12 of them. That’s one in the morning, one after break, after lunch and during night prep. When do you get time to study? Besides that I hated history with a passion and could have done without it. Anyway my point is quality over quantity. That’s what we should focus on.
The program will abort soon enough when people will leave college and not get jobs then a revolution will happen. Blood will spill on the streets. The kings will have no where to flee.
you lie to yourself…
Human farming is not easy my friend. Sometimes kings find themselves in such trouble, but they adapt very quickly, and they are the wiser ones. After the french revolution, the idea of “democracy” became very popular even outside France. To obscure slavery so that it wasnt so apparent to the eye. Brute force had proven inefficient.
Nothing can stop technology when it helps advance profits. All this will come to pass. AI is already beating go players. Its a rat race to a new revolution. Read about the riots during the industrial revolution to get a picture of what will happen, only now it will be white collar workers not factory workers.
utangojea till the world’s end. ni lazima uwe employed? create a job for yourself halafu you want to blame the sytem
Ni wapi nimesema I want employment? I have also not blamed the system, but you are fooling yourself if you think that it is for the people and by the people. You either die a serf or lie well enough to be an oligarch. Na kwani hujaona what deep mind is doing? The jobs will drop at an astonishing rate. Kenya is currently being held up by the services indutries like law and accounting which will be the first to go.