Kenya and Rwanda public transport

You’re drifting now, if Nairobi had a smaller population would have better transport? I said we have enough matatus what we lack is discipline. So what does discipline have to do with population?

New York - 19,491,339
Tokyo - 37,435,191

Your point holds no water, just like your government you always like to set your standards low…

Nairobi did have better transport in the 70’ and 80’s because the population was smaller.

I only ask that you learn to read people’s statements before replying,these are developed countries.

These are just excuses for our low expectation mentality, the mentality that has been nurtured in the common mwananchi’s simple mind that it is also a favor when the government connects you to the electric grid while KPLC as a company should be working hard to acquire new customers for more profits, but hey we are a “developing country” with "developing minds. Tupatane 2020 when there will be drought across the country after all the heavy downpour experienced recently ended up in the ocean because all the money for new dams was “eaten” and then maize with aflatoxin will be imported to feed our developing country.

All true but in the words of a great man from the past

ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

You feel that KPLC should be different why not start an electric company and supply the country with electricity, run them out of business

You feel the government is corrupt, change it

No one owes anyone anything in this world.

I’ve been to Kigali and appreciated the cleanliness. However the small ma3s beba nne nne kama zetu za zamani. And are really old.

Can stupid get more than this?

how so

Nairobi has a population of 3.5 million

Not according to the Census bureau or UN

City population increases 40pc - The Standard

true I usually wonder why it looks like we’re begging Kenya power to connect us, they should be looking long term profits,every village coming up,they should be there on the ground,just laying the wire network for people to connect but they’re still stuck with colonial mindset of people must apply, then wait for ages, even these water and sewerage companies, kitengela and other satellite towns,should be fully connected including interior.the investment maybe massive but in the long run,it will pay off, .I liked the way safaricom is busy laying fibre even in interior places,kuna one I saw from kiambu to limuru via tu small shopping centres.,


According to your reasoning, when Kigali reaches 4.5 milion, it must necessarily be like the Nairobi of today in its confusion, dirt, and disorganization?? Interesting…

On Kamagera I beg to differ, hizi gari zikigurumishwa asubuhi zinazimwa usiku ni kuzungusha nonstop. The Kamagera relieve the crew and even for the stingy sonkos/crew, the vehicle can never be parked to take a lunch break. But some crew over-do it incurring unnecessary expenditure

:D:D … very observant

But with better planning there would be no chaotic disorder today. Our (so-called) leaders should have planned for increased population.

Both are Left Drive:D

Kagame is planning on decentralizing, just like what TZ is doing to with Dodoma and Brazil did with Brasilia in hopes of avoiding
what Nairobi is.

Yet in 2050 when Kigali has as much people as Nairobi 2019 then we’ll see until then apples and oranges.


Try to be realistic and have some common sense

Apparently not…