Kapsimotwa Gardens, Nandi Hills

Hidden GEMS in Kenya

:round_pushpin:Kapsimotwa Gardens, Nandi Hills
Absolutely beautiful place for a picnic. A lake sits in the middle of the garden. Carry your own food & drinks, as there’s no restaurant. Entry: Ksh 500 per car.

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Kwa Wakale ni risky,utauliwa jameni,kwanza huko Nandi ni no-go zone


Very beautiful scenery.
Nitamleta chepkoech hapo ni propose awe my 4th and second last wife.
A kipsigis girl must be my 4th.

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Naweza fika huko nione kama naweza kamua kienyeji

My auntie used to teach at some school kule Nandi…the most peaceful and beautiful place i had ever visited as a young adult…all that changed with the 2007 election violence…hadi alitransfer.


Hapa ndio unapeleka pipi ya jirani alafu unakula mkia bila effidense

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Siwes lipa 500 alafu nikulwe na bugs ama kuumwa na venomous snake hapo kichaka. Nice views naangalia from top of mountains.

Utapigwa mishale ya matako,they are very jealous with their vienyeji

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