Kamwana in Kisumu City

na mimi na wewe hapa we hate each other like nothing…time to change our tribal
line of thinking is far much gone.[ATTACH=full]8240[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]8241[/ATTACH]

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Junkie likes that warm hug

uhunye anaperemba rao mifuko


Ama anashika bolingo


naskianga huyo hananga bolingo (na sina link!)


hio bila link unajua tu hatumezi

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That look on Uhunye’s face is suspect…its like ako riata mbaya sana…

Haha, hapo mutongoria yuko makush mbaya

:D:D:D:D:D Comments zote hapa.

He he, you can’t say it’s the same guys always throwing brickbats at each other.

u have been told time and time again these two guys have been friends since utotoni when Uhuru’s dad was prezzo and Rao’s dad Vice Prezzo. The two families used to pay each other visits and ocasionally had dinner together…bakini hapa mkitukanana bcoz of yr political differences.

zilifinywa na moi…jamaa ako flat tires


very possible

Hekaya rao bado ni chonjo kama fisi.

More like confirming if it’s true that the geezer got one ball.

After confirming he has one ball then the president will call a press conference and announce it for all Kenyans to know. Then, voila, the exchange rate of dollar to Kenya shilling will come tumbling down. What a piece of genius. That’s all Kenya needs right now.

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Have you guys realized that all of a sudden our brethren from the lakeside are no longer vipiis and watu wa firimbi??? Call it hypocrisy. Shame on us the hoi polloi.