Yesterday niliamua kutembelea lanye mzee hapo pipeline, so she insisted that nivae cd kabla azime taa, She later reiterated on how the day before, jamaa alivaa cd, then akatoa when she wasn’t looking, kuzima taa she was dry fried thoroughly, after kumwagiwa ndani alifukuza jamaa kama burukenge; nikajua its definitely a ktalk member dry fry artist:D:D:D



Elders hawajipendi

Kama ni wewe enda meze tembe, huyo mama nimewai mtembelea mchana, miguu zimefura alafu ni blackish

Mdau kwani huyo lanye amekukorogea kamuti? Last year ulisema you’re done and dusted na Lanye?

I backslid, but am back on track, no lanye till April 2021 is my resolution

Probably someone who is already sick

watu wawachane na malaya

Anyone sane who can dare bang a lanye raw has nothing to lose. So definitely that jamaa ni mgonjwa. Hata ulewe unajuwa tu dry fry ni moto wa kuotea mbali.


Makes perfect sense…well if you are going to die soon better do it in ‘style’

:D:D:D jamaa ile PNC ilimnyorosha lazima iwe ni ile ya first world war I. hapo ndio anajiulizanga kiherehere ilikuwa ya nini…Maisha inakosa ladha anaona number plate ya kila gari inaanza na HIV…HIV 123C, HIV 321V…

Huyo already ako na luwere

not necesarily. i have dry fried a lanye two or three times, and cant relate with your conclusion. lots of judgements made especially with the small head in the heat of the moment, and the kunguru also got to be looking the part…

Blackish legs huwa dalili ya?

Wewe unameza hizo tembe?juu we ni repeat client hapo.:smiley:

I don’t eat filth like you

weka condomu mpangoni, uwache kuniuliza swali za kimefi kama hizi

yea kayole kuna super models pekee, mwizi ghasia