Huyo jamaa ako sawa. Never settle for less if you can take such a firm to the cleaners. KPMG is just enslaving the best minds in this country in the name of a ‘rosy’ job. Blind mice dedicate over 16 hrs a day ati ndio waishi upper middle. Money that you can’t even enjoy. Lakini to each his/her own.
They are known to use up someone then toss them out when they no longer need them .Guys join the firm after graduating in numbers but only a handful get to the top level management.Its business though.
Bwana @Okiya you know very well that the firms have to maintain their pyramid structure.Yes many of them get good opportunities and leave but at the time they are turning to Managers there is always a good number of them,which firm cannot really sustain,so what they do is give the managers post to the individuals as well as give each of them targets.Lucky ones get secondment at that time.
That is where mother of resignations starts,they don’t tell someone to go but the targets,business development challenges and crazy working hours get most thinking twice