[FONT=trebuchet ms]Now this is something I would sign up for…[/FONT]

[FONT=trebuchet ms]The majority of us already know that Christ is going to rule in Heaven along with the Father and that His kingdom is not of this world [B][I][John 18:36][/I][/B].
However, many do not know of the latter, and we find out in several citings in the bible that He is [FONT=trebuchet ms]primarily [/FONT]going to rule on earth for 1000 years. He is going to rule His creation one last time before He disintegrates it into ashes in what I think is an attempt to show the world what life was supposed to be like before sin entered the world. And for the very first time in years, there will be peace like no one has ever experienced, with every one of our needs fulfilled and the presence of sin not being tolerated. [Psalm 2:7-12], [Revelation 2:26-29; 12:5; [19:11-16]](‘’)

The believers who live through the Tribulation will be mortal. They will live and repopulate the earth during the Millennial Kingdom. Without the ruin of sin taking its toll, we can imagine the population increase during the Millennium will be massive, almost unimaginable. Yet, at the end of the Millennial reign, Satan will be loosed [B][Revelation 20:7][/B] and will be able to deceive a vast multitude to follow him in one final rebellion against the Lord. It seems that the longer humanity experiences Heaven on earth, they “take for granted” how good they have it, and some may even get doubts about the goodness of God. Even though the number of those who rebel with Satan is said to be “as the sand of the sea” [B][Revelation 20:8][/B], they may still be a minority compared to the number who do not rebel. One of the basic reasons God gives us this picture of what will happen in time is to show the deep-seated sin nature inherent in all of humanity [Jeremiah 17:9].

Jesus will be ruling on the throne of David, imposing a compassionate theocracy on all of His creation. [Luke 1:32-33], [B][Isaiah 9:6-7][/B], [B][I][Isaiah 16:5][/I][/B], and among those ruling with Him in the span of those 1000 years will be the believers, not all of them, rather only those exceptionally faithful ones who clung and kept His words until the end through all manner of hardship thrown at them. [I]“The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father.” [/I][[I][B][I]Revelation 2:26-27][/I][/B][/I]. [/FONT]

[FONT=trebuchet ms]Finally, God is trying to reinforce some very important lessons concerning Satan, especially for believers. First, he has been and always will be the enemy of humanity. As God has fixed His love on us, Satan has a special hatred for us. Ever since Satan’s fall [Isaiah 14], [Ezekiel 28], he has been the adversary of believers, and he is fittingly described as the ultimate deceiver of mankind. All he can give or promise man is death and destruction. Satan is also shown here to be a truly defeated foe, and his ultimate doom is certain, along with the doom of all who follow him. God is trying to remind us that Satan is a created being who is powerless before Him.
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[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms]Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the way everlasting. [/FONT][/CENTER]

Stolen from Egypt, editted by Greedy European CUNTs, exported to Steal from naive natives