Some Cable News Network decides to maim Kenya as a Terrorism Hotbed and we go attacking it on Twitter as #KOT.
Shaking my damned head!!
CNN is not to blame but our poor politics and media misreporting. When grenades were hurlled to innocent people here in Nairobi and some parts of Kenya it was the media that went hullabaloo about it and tainted Kenya with Terrosim News. (forgive me for my poor engrich).
How else did you expect the outside world to view us? The government failed to protect its own citizens, and romours went around about being the opposition tainting the Digital Government by hiring goons to attack other Kenyans.
The media is to largely blame here for misreporting and tainting the image of Kenya with Terrosim News.
…and guess what, when the media bill was passed, they went ahead and said that they were being ganged but have you of late seen any Terrosim News on our screens? NO.
Take for example; When someone mentions Nigeria what quickly pops up in your mind? Boko Haram. But have you been in Lagos to confirm this Boko Haram shit? Same here in Kenya, we reap what the media sow in the outside world.
Stop blaming the CNN but blame it on Kenyan media.
Thanks for your honesty…your ‘engrich’ fails you. ‘…they went ahead and said they were being ‘ganged’ but have you of late…’ The word should have been ‘gagged’ as in to restrain speech.
What’s sad about this constant American media demonizing of Africa is then American business population sees only negative about the continent. No imagination of what could be possible grows. This has allowed China to dominate the investment race to Africa.