The time is always right… Its never too late to turn back to God and give Jesus Christ full control of your life and soul…
There are only two paths for the after life which are either the broad way or the narrow path.
The Narrow path leads to everlasting life (heaven) while the broad way leads to the everlasting Hell (everlasting torment of souls)
Yeah, probably you have heard this story a million million times and its no longer scary anymore… Well, its not supposed to scare you… Its supposed to help you make the right choice while you are still alive on earth.
Like it or hate it, You need to be saved by The Blood of Jesus Christ for you to be safe.
Comments, Questions, support, and critics are all welcomed. Feel free.
I tend to believe so far from the various encounters we have heard that you are a jobless idler who happens to live by a place where they have free WiFi and your job is to pull distractions to other people’s threads yet you never have any initiative of your own!
You don’t like it yet you read it always! You are here because you can’t have enough of it and you are trying so very hard to justify to your heart that you are on the right path!
I pray that God finally touches your yearning soul and save you from yourself.
I understand your situation in thoughts bro… You are not the only one with that belief!
One day The Light of Christ will arrive at your place… Patience
There are many other ways to do that… Like reading the bible… In case you need to learn how to pumper your lady, go read the book of Songs of Solomon in the Bible