Talkers who’ve experienced witchcraft, what’s your stories?
Mkubwa niliwacha ukitaka kujiua
I satiated the suicidal desires by fucking @Azor Ahai in the butt.
What a child
if you have nothing constructive to contribute kwa threads zangu then just ignore them. Ama nikufanye venye nilifanya @azor
[SIZE=3]If you believe in light, it’s because of the darkness.
If you believe in the truth, it’s because of their lies.
If you believe in God, you must believe in the Devil.” [/SIZE][SIZE=7] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]― Chris Ryan [/SIZE]
Witch craft,religion…same same though polarized,both have the intrinsic spiritual value but lacking the rational logic of science.,you have to believe in either for it to work. Both have people who speak to spirits to heal or curse. Both are concerned with invisible, nonempirical forces; yet, they make claims to efficacy with no measures on outcomes through factual and/or experimental means,just invoking symbolic cause-effect relationship…and yeah,both want money.
witches today are similar to rogue pastors conning people for their own selfish needs… medicine men were just doctors but when colonialists came , they demonised medicine men and the african culture they belonged to… ('witches existed but dont confuse them with medicine men…)
in bantu culture , if you dont live in a godly manner , you did not speak for the tribe … this is why whichcraft is might not be considered as part of african culture as it doesnt mix well with the aspirations of god… or maat or unduire or animism (the spiritual african way of life where being ‘clean’ was mandatory)…
hope you get it
stale quotes pelekea mama yako
The witch doctor had something in a glass bottle that he spoke to. It was some kind of wooden idol that whistled instead of speaking, but you could kind of make out the words it was saying. He asked it a bunch of questions. Then he requested an egg laid by a chicken from our homestead. When I gave it to him he told me and another relative to spit on it. Then he cracked it open and instead of yolk all this weird shit fell out. Rusty coins, used condoms, human hair, fingernails, maggots. He said that someone planted them in the compound to curse us. Definitely one of the most bizarre experiences I’ve ever had.
Wueh! This sounds too surreal. What made you consult him in the first place?
My family was going through a lot of issues at the time and my grandmother wasn’t convinced that they were “natural”. So she hired a witch doctor to do whatever it is he did.
Tembea Kisii oune mazingaombwe… Huko burial site is watched over lest the juju men pull the body undergound… asubui mnapata coffin by the Riverside… and the burial site sunk in.
Did it turn out well… How soon…
Hao watu na fake pastors same whatsapp group. Always using magic to lie to you. Of course Kuna supernatural powers that they invoke and could use them to implant those things or blind your eyes.
Yes, we stopped having those problems.
I think about that moment nearly every day. Replay it in my mind a million times. I just can’t figure out how he did it. I was watching him like a hawk to see if he would pull any clever tricks like those David Blaine, Criss Angel Mindfreak illusionists. But nothing. All the other stuff could be faked. Except the thing with the egg. That was very real.
You do know the hands are faster than the eyes … that’s how magicians play tricks right Infront of ur eyes. Make believe … bro
Congratulations, you just became the village witch doctor
BDE umenishtua sana
Hiyo yai huwa switched with a prepared one, if you want to see real witchcraft go to Gambia or Haiti, some of the things they do there can really freak someone out