Given a choice for your child…holding all things constant and you would want to give them the Best for upper primary and secondary Education and you could afford it…would you choose the best schools for 844 eg Kabarak, Alliance, Starehe, Precious Blood, Mangu etc or would you rather choose International Curriculum like British National Curriculum like GCSE or IB with the likes of Hillcrest, Rosslyn, Turi, etc etc…giving your reasons…( nitasoma tu maoni yenu polepole)
I would go with what the baddest land grabber in the milky way did.
Go 844 hats degree ikuwe name ukenyality.
He seem to know something
I’ve actually changed my life goals because of this subject. I was gonna pursue higher education for my profession (not in childhood education) but now I’m gonna take classes (serious ones) on Early Childhood Development, Early Childhood Learning etc I know that homeschooling isn’t popular but my current solution (till I can see another one) is to do a mixture of homeschooling while working some socialization sessions into the routine. Some Kenyan schools offer the option of enrolling your kids into classes like swimming, music, crafts etc
Yer, I’m invested in this … lol
Now I’d rather GCSE it kinda exposes kids to so much and they developed good reading and talking skills plus they also developed a self confidence…but if 8-4-4 can go back to how it was back in the 90s then GCSE would have nothing on it
I would have them IGCSE school. 8-4-4 has its merits here and there but it is burdened with a curriculum that has practical use. I dont know if religious educationed is still examined but why test it at a national level? Even agriculture or arts & craft? Those arent things to be examined at all…
I’ll test my kids first. Different people achieve success in different environments. You can’t judge a fish by its ability o climb a tree, right?
I personally think formal education is a path to networking. Not actual development.
You have my attention. Kindly expound on this…
CRE, IRE, HIndu whatever have always been optional subjects at secondary. about agri art n craft etc why teah them if you dont want them to be examined?
They shouldnt even be optional at all. They should not be examinable at all. You should have religious classes for kids but it should be like P.E.
Arts and crafts should be about teaching a skill not examining me on what cross-sketching is…
Same with agriculture. There is no farmer who goes to college to get a BSc Planting and Harvesting
Everyone here went through 8-4-4 system and we all made it. We might not be rich but we’re still responsible, motivated grownups capable of critical thought. I think there’s someone in Britain complaining about how the IGCSE system in not working out. Education is supposed to teach kids not facts but confidence. It should give kids the ability to analyze and think their way through life, not rely on memorizing facts and figures. If I were a parent the best thing I could do for my kids is to teach them that self confidence, to reach and surpass their limits.
None of the formal education systems appeal to me. I have been reading up a lot on unschooling and seems like a pretty good idea. Current research is solid with very positive results.
now this is the problem when people talk for the sake of talking like what you just wrote. pass by some bookshop grab n agric textbook and you will learn that its not only about planting and harvesting
why waste money on crappy British or American system. get 844 at affordable rates then spnd gazillions for uni. I studied alongside watu wa Turi ati sijui International Sch. and my Katch High 844 used to whip their asses mbaya.
I read a blog once of a Briton laughing the farce about British National curric and the way it has issues after he visited Prembroke sch in Gilgil
there are whole careers based on these subjects. For agric one can move on to take Animal Science/Health, Agric Engineering, Agric Econ Agric Bus. Admin Agric Extension Services. These are the careers of the future when we are talking of food insecurity and looking for ways to grow more under less land holding. Art and Craft boss hujui unasema nini. Interior Deco, Art, graphic design, publishing etc. Next time you find yourself idling at Archives take a good look at tom mboya’s statue Religiois studies you need to understand why people study humanities such as literature philosophy anthropology then ask yourself what is the intersection between religion and development
Masomo ni plan ya gover ya kureduce crime. Anyway, endeleeni kupaka mawingu rangi.
• BSc. Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development
• BSc. Agribusiness Economics and Food Industry Management
• BSc. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
• BSc. Environmental Horticulture And Landscaping Technology
• BSc. Horticulture
• BSc. Land Resource Planning And Management
• BSc. Food Science and Postharvest Technology
• BSc. Food Science and Nutrition
• BSc. Land Resource Planning and Management
• BSc. Animal Health, Production and Processing
• BSc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics
• Diploma in Food Technology
not what i am talking about and you know it.
thats the business side of it. and how many of the guys go into those fields of study to go back to the farm to apply them?
Planting and Harvesting is what technically is called agronomy. alot of science goes on in those basic activities: choice of seed, soil, fertilizer, harvesting to postharvest handling, the science technology is far more complex than your grandmother’s jembe
The confidence is due to the fact that these kids who can afford GCSE in Kenya come from affluent backgrounds. Correlation blah blah causality.
Name them.