Interesting parallels between Jesus and other significant figures.

Jesus v Joseph

  1. Miraculous births- Jesus born of a virgin, Joseph born of a barren mother.
  2. Both enter Egypt at a young age.
  3. Joseph betrayed by brothers, Jesus betrayed by disciples.
  4. Judah suggests Joseph is sold for 20 pieces of silver, Judas sells Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
  5. Reuben tries to save Joseph from his brethren, Pilate tries to save Jesus from his brethren.
  6. Joseph is jailed along 2 others, the cupbearer and breadmaker. The cupbearer is saved and the breadmaker is executed. Jesus is crucified along 2 others, the blasphemous criminal and the repentant thief who Jesus promises will be with him in paradise.
  7. Joseph enters the service of Pharaoh at age 30, Jesus starts ministry at age 30.
  8. Joseph becomes savior of the Israelites, Jesus saves mankind.

Jesus v Moses

  1. Pharaoh massacres young boys in an attempt to kill Moses, Herod massacres young boys in an attempt to kill Jesus.
  2. Moses leaves Egypt, Jesus leaves Egypt.
  3. Moses fasted in the mountain for 40 days, Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days.
  4. Israelites led into the wilderness for 40 years, Jesus led into the wilderness for 40 days.

Jesus v Caesar Augustus

  1. Augustus Caesar adopted into the royal line via Julius Caesar, Jesus adopted into the royal line via Joseph.
  2. Augustus Caesar considered divine i.e the son of a god (son of the deified Julius Caesar), Jesus considered divine i.e the Son of God.
  3. Augustus Caesar was claimed to bring salvation to mankind, Jesus is claimed to bring salvation to mankind.
  4. Augustus Caesar was worshipped as a god, Jesus is worshipped as a god.

The “gospel” of Caesar Augustus was what we call today the Pax Romana, the age of peace in the Roman Empire which came about during this time, into which Jesus was born. This inscription below is found on a government building dating from 6 B.C. Caesar Augustus in this inscription is declared to be: divine, savior, and the beginning of the good news for all people on Earth.

The most divine Caesar . . . we should consider equal to the Beginning of all things . . . for when everything was falling (into disorder) and tending toward dissolution, he restored it once more and gave the whole world a new aura; Caesar . . . the common good Fortune of all . . . The beginning of life and vitality . . . All the cities unanimously adopt the birthday of the divine Caesar as the new beginning of the year . . . Whereas the Providence which has regulated our whole existence . . . has brought our life to the climax of perfection in giving to us (the emperor) Augustus . . .who being sent to us and our descendents as Savior, has put an end to war and has set all things in order; and (whereas,) having become (god) manifest /PHANEIS/, Caesar has fulfilled all the hopes of earlier times”

Nice read.

A barren mother giving birth?
Joseph was a teenager when he went to Egypt
Joseph did not save the Israelites because they were not there in the first place
Pharaoh did kill young boys because Moses
Moses did not fast for 40 days
There are many more I could have pointed out but I have to go to work

All that Jesus and Joseph shi,t was copied from Ancient Egypt and modified

I.) Sorry meant barren woman not mother- Genesis 30:1-2
Rachel, realizing she was barren, became envious of her sister. “Give me children or I’ll die,” she exclaimed to Jacob.
2 Jacob flew into a rage. “Am I God?” he flared. “He is the one who is responsible for your barrenness.”
II.) Moses fasting - Exodus 34:28
“Moses was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments.”
III.) Pharaoh- Exodus 1:22
“Then Pharaoh commanded all his people to throw into the Nile every ⌞Hebrew⌟ boy that was born, but to let every girl live.”
IV.) Savior- Genesis 45:5-7
“And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. 6 For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping. 7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance”
V.) Joseph sold by his brothers as a teenager- I said young age, isn’t a teenager young?

There are many more I could have pointed out but I have to go to work”- I will be waiting eagerly for this.

Most of the parallels bar the Caesar Augustus I found in this book- Caesar’s Messiah: “The Roman Conspiracy to invent Jesus”. Whether this book is true or not I do not know but it is really interesting especially the parallels. Like Judah(Joseph’s brother) suggesting Joseph is sold for 20 pieces of silver then Judas(Greek translation for Judas, Jesus’ disciple) selling Jesus for 30 pieces of silver… that parallel is suspicious as fck! Anyway, let me attach the book you can judge for yourselves.

Was that because of Moses?

Isrealites is a nation the verse there talks of people less than 100

Share a Bible verse for the 20 pieces

Was Jesus a loyal member of what family?
How through Joseph?

Biblicallyy jesus is not god

Has war ended? And did Jesus bring an end to war?

Genesis 37:28
28 Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.

They brought their families and were saved. The parallels are not exact but they follow the same blueprint… That is the point.

Jesus was adopted by Joseph who comes from the Davidic line which is the royal line.

Biblically Jesus is not god?? So Jesus is now not part of the Trinity?? Christians worship Jesus and they say he is God the Son.

I didn’t say Jesus ended the war, I said Caesar Augustus was divine, savior and the beginning of life…similar to what Jesus is said to be.

No but the concept is the same, a tyrant (Herod/Pharaoh) was killing male Hebrew baby boys and Jesus/Moses escaped.

Synchronicity is the divine language of God, as above so below. We live in a world of seasons in everything and the big is made from the principles of the small. There is nothing new in this world it is just repetition. Why do you think ancient people build pyramid and Copenhagen monuments? It was to track down the changes in season and ages. We had Adam to Abraham to Moses to Jesus all spaced with about 2000yrs, Adam was one with God and also the fall of man from grace due to disobedience, Abraham was all about faith, Moses was about laws and Jesus grace. Right now we are in transition to a new age and actually we can say the two worlds have already merged, as the old one exit and new one take hold. The new is already here, what is it all about? And how long will it take to manifest fully?
The ancient people used stars to track time of ages and know when a new age has arrived, that is how the wise men were able to know a king is born in Bethlehem. Everything is in details if you pay attention.

There is synchronicity and then there is copying. There is a group of people who believe Jesus never existed… at least not in the form we believe him to be as today. Some if not all of the details about him were carefully selected and his person constructed. “Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar”, why would a Jewish messiah living under Roman occupation say this? It is important we understand why Jews consider Jesus a false messiah even up to today.

Jesus is not that

If I can pick a person at random they could have similarities with you, those things just happens

Trinity is a creation of Roman Catholics not in the Bible and not supposed to be worship