Kupimana makende si mbaya but wazazi especially mothers lazima wapewe heshima zao, they should not be dragged into this
I second 100%
I think @Electronics4u should kick out @poyoloko. Wacha aende Siberia for a week.
It’s @uwesmake who started abusing my parents,I ignored him but my fans could mention that av been abused badly .I unblocked him abused him with mama clichys clitoris but he didn’t stop abusing my parents so nkaamua Kama mbaya mbaya
i still insist na ile story ya langata cemetary
@Electronics4u i suggest you send @PHARMACY @uwesmake @Douchebag @poyoloko to siberia for a week ikuwe kama funzo kwa wengine
Mkamba unakuwanga mjinga sana, you reason kama mama mja mzito, unaandika kama mtoto wa class one. Uko sawa kweli ama ni sperms ndio umejaza kwa akili? Ghaseer shenzi
Nakumbaliana na wewe ,lakini sinunulii Malaya pombe nunuliwa na bwanako coomerniner brarry shenzi[ATTACH=full]393470[/ATTACH]
It would be unfair , @uwesmake nde has 200 handles . Taking down his main handle will only increase the menace as his other hoe handles like @Nipe Nikusifu will roam here freely
I second it
Ukweli but huyo ghaseer at least sijaona akitukana wazazi
Since the weekend is not over yet, that offer is still on the table. Na usisahau ya uncle uwes pia.
I don’t negotiate with terrorists
Hii ni nini sasa mkamba? Respect yourself ghaseer.
Sponsers ,elders na vipii zote za ktalk , from today I will restrain my tongue .I will never abuse lichoti and all his whores whoever they are . I will contribute positively and evade silly chokosh wars . Lastly and finally sitanunulia Malaya pombe so @Nipe Nikusifu ignore my handle na tuheshimiane
Hapo sawa, the best way to deal with @uwesmake ni you ignore him, he will get disinterested after a while.
Who is he so that we put his interests first?
Pharmacy you’re easily triggered and take things way too seriously. That has been @uwesmake modus operandi for a minute. He trolls NVs and clueless people for a living if I may say. If you ain’t got a thick skin to see through his shenanigans or an excellent sense of humor utashinda hapa worrying about something that should be the least of your worries. Ukiona amezidi block yeye na sahau.