Black people live in their heads rent-free. If you’re not in the know, this is an Indian subreddit (of Indians who live in the west). They always complain about how bad dating in America/UK/Europe/theWest is for them. Usually, they’re jealous of Black guys because apparently (and I’m living proof), black guys have it great in the dating scene so these pajeets always like to compare everything they do to Black people. Mostly, you can feel how pissed they are about the fact that Black people (who they consider inferior) are more sexually desired and do well with women in western countries. Not only do Black guys do well with white/Latina/Asian women in America/UK than them but also due to the fact that Black guys also get to fuck Indian girls (this might be unbelievable to many of you because Indians in Kenya seem to never interact with Africans). I know this for a fact because it was so easy to get Indian women when I was in college here in America much to the resentment of the Indian guys on campus who had trouble getting laid. This is just one aspect about the complaints they have on this subreddit.
However, the above was just to set some context on the screenshot I’m about to share. These fucks are complaining about the time when Idi Amin (our hero) kicked them out of Uganda and how a lot of people don’t bring it up in the fight for social justice. They’re pissed that Black people get all the attention because all their movements have so many supporters (BLM, anyone?). These pajeets are wondering why people in the world don’t bring to light atrocities that were committed against them by us, black people.
Pajeets should know that nobody gives a fuck about them.
Side- note: Can we set a date when we get to kick out all the Indians living in Kenya? Let’s send them back to Bombay
Pio Pinto, Yash Pal Ghai and a very small fraction of Indians are more Kenyan than any of us will ever be.
But the remaining majority of pajeets in this country are shit.
We should ship all Pajeets to India or UK. They can’t breathe our fresh air while hiding in Parklands. Make me president and I’ll do right by you. Yash Pal brare fucking.
The last time i saw a white or an indian is like 5 months ago in a supermarket, we dont have enough people to practice racism on but we discovered that we can just do well on hating people who don’t talk our mother tongue. Its human nature i dont blame pajeets and pakis on it.
You never see them because they hoarded all the prime places in the leafy suburbs and keep Kenyans out by not renting/selling to them. That’s enough to make you want to kidnap one and throw them in the ocean.
The Indians in India are actually normal like Pinto and Ghai. It’s only that when people get a little money in this country, their attitude towards those they perceive beneath them becomes mavi kabisa.
Huge cultural difference between a western woman of any race and an Indian. Indias culture is unbending. Date one and you still have to observe diwali and live in their fathers house together with 3 other families. And for those who have never eaten curry, that smell of curry powder is nauseating . It permeates through the skin several hours after your meal. And Indians have very little spice in their lives. Don’t sing, dance , don’t do movies, no sports, clubbing, rarely go to eat out …leaves very little in common with others. And they have an abhorrence for wearing deodorant, which is an absolute necessity in the west. So you smell sweat on them, ewwww. Wanajulikana ati hawavai cologne.
They chew paan and spit some reddish stuff everywhere. They’ve some weird mannerisms like scratching their gonads in public. I respect them for their advances in medicine though.
Nilikuwa na flatmate mhindi UK, not westernized, an actual one. Alikuwa very chilled and tulikuwa na fun na yeye despite the fact that he was vegetarian and didn’t drink. Same with my Indian classmates walikuwa fiti.
Now the Indians wenye walikuwa UK citizens walikuwa bloody fuckin sana. Sijui ni nini huchange wakiacha original country.