I always say this: sex is overly glorified. I don’t think sex is as ‘sweet’ as this highly debauched world wants everyone to believe. You know, the society operates under a false premise that because it’s obsessed with sex, every member within it is equally obsessed with sex. Today, if I drop my email here and tell Purr_27 to contact me, everyone will assume that I am out to DF her. Out there, if you ask a woman for a date, she will naturally assume that you’re up to some mission whose end will be a sexual escapade.
Women assume that every other man out there is just thinking of sex. If a woman is interested in you and you don’t initiate sensual moves, you’re labelled a wimp or, even worse, a faggot. Yet, to some of us, a good movie or a good book is always preferred over some lay from a slutty woman.
Sex has its place in the society but this doesn’t mean that everything should be viewed in terms of sex. If there is one word that I despise, it’s the word ‘sexy’ because this is just a euphemism for viewing someone purely in terms of lust and beastliness. But you’ll find a woman feeling nice about herself once a horny loafer describe her as being sexy without realising that she is just being told that she’s a DF Material and nothing more. Expectedly, women are employing all possible methods in order to look ‘sexy’ and satiate the rapacious eyes of men. Essentially, they’ve agreed to be viewed as sex objects and I always wonder why they complain once they are DFried and then dumped. If your only desire in life is to be viewed as a sex object, then go the full mile and get Dfried and then dumped, OK???
This craze has permeated practically every sphere of our existence. Obviously, the media, forever submissive to the desires of its consumers, is the greatest culprit: practically, all of its offers and ads have sexual overtones. Don’t be surprised if, in the future, you watch an advert for a pain killer or a Sufuria with marketing line being that ‘this pain killer is quite sexy in dealing with a headache’ or ‘This Sufuria epitomises sexiness in the kitchen’ Still, the so called Kenyan celebrities, who are faithful disciples of their American counterparts, irritatingly attempt to live the American life through engaging in cheap sexual odysseys but they only succeed in convincing gullible young Kenyans just how sex is an important aspect of their lives.
In the employment world, a woman who is deemed ‘sexy’ but who has very little substance between her ears will be given preference over an ‘unsexy’ but brainy woman. A ‘hot, sexy’ and fraudulent pastor(whatever women consider hot and sexy in men) will have legions of women followers because as these women say, he is ‘an eye candy’ whatever that garbage means.
Yet, it is this sex that has destroyed so many lives. It is this sex that ensures that every year in Kenya, over 500k unborn babies are prevented from ever seeing the sun or the moon of their Creator. It’s this sex that has brought about so many broken families. It’s this sex that has ensured millions of people getting buried before their time. And instead of handling it like responsible and intelligent creatures, we misuse it and then weep once s.hit hits the fan. It’s this sex that has seen many girls who could have become doctors and engineers working as house helps and barmaids. Yet, we continue to unashamedly glorify it. And we never learn: you’ll still find a single woman with no stable source of income getting pregnant with her fifth kid and later, she starts wailing with the nonsensical ‘serikali saidia’ laments.
Sex is only a small component of life. There is more to life than sex. And, to some of us, trying to market some products using sexual imagery is a big turn off. We’ve seen friends and relatives’ lives getting destroyed simply because of 20 minutes of orgasmic pleasure.
And I am sure guys here have at one time invested substantial financial resources in order to haul a woman into bed but once you’re done with her, you wonder whether it would have better to have used those resources to upgrade your music system . I certainly have experienced this.
In Kenya, it’s even made worse because many Kenyans assume that what they experience in the media is the reality. So, you’ve got these young, ‘pornolised’ chaps who start suffering from esteem issues because they cannot match the ‘performance’ of porn stars. Or these deluded women who expect their boyfriends and husbands to match the sexual abilities of the porn actors. And what do you have in the end?: bitter women who think their husbands are ‘useless’ in bed and insecure men who subconsciously believe that they’ll never be able to satisfy their wives.
So, because of treating sex like some sort of oxygen, you will always find married women loving their MWK’s more than they love their husbands simply because the younger loafer ‘performs’ better than her husband yet it is this husband who sweats day and night to ensure that his family is comfortable, even at the cost of coming home too tired to perform any sexual act.