well these guys have got the best of us…creating movies and musuc every day that unknowingly lead us to doing blasphemy,mental adultery etc… most of u dont know that these movies have mind controlling soundtracks which leaves our sub conscience prone to demonic possessions.please be ware friends.add more suggestions.
Instead of giving us conspiracy theories, can you prove that what you have said is true.
Wapi wale ma atheist wa kijiji watuambie kama hao mademons wa @lorenzo ni imaginary au real.
[INDENT]Yea,i can prove it…eg tom and jerry fast n the fury,a studio known as globwabler studio are holding a race n tom n jerry appear for audition.the managers say they will sermon the master whether they should alow them to raca.they kneel down take pyramid hats with the all seeing eye n say’dear master of holywood we sermon thee…'then the devil appears n tells them that the mouse n pussycat should race.just watch the full movie n ull see the devil a couple of times…this is what they are doing to out children.[/INDENT]
Hehe do people actually believe this illuminati BS
The f.uck are u saying ?
If English is too hard for you please use diagrams and illustrations to deliver your point
No insults plz doe
Another movie…monstors…rated one of the movies that promoted 2% global homosexuality…a story about two chics who fell in love blablabla .its morw touching than tianic.watch it
Dont you people see …including johnie depp saying he does not watch his movies because the devil is in there…angalia youtube…
Haha, kuna mujamaa amecatch hizo feelings hapa
Weka links to prove it
The media passes subtle messages onto our sub-conscious mind, hio naweza kubali.
All kind of media is used to program people to behave in a certain way. Lakini mambo ya illuminati na mashetani ni upuzi.
You should watch more movies, cartoons and music then come decode it here. Tunajuaje Kama wewe sio illuminati pia?
hii osungu napiga wewe chenga jaribu mother tongue watu wa kabila yenu watatuwekea translation
You’ll be shocked to find that what you term as the truth is actually a lie and someone somewhere made that move decades and centuries ago… you were born into a lie and u are unknowingly living it hizi mind control techniques zilianza eons ago na ujue kitu moja,the world is fucked,your fate was decided even before ur birth and u cant n will never change it
No,ignorance will kill u pple…yani hamwonangi…movie zimejaa violence,porn,demonic soundtracks,especially movie za warnerbros na lionsgate…anything thats not Godly is satanic…u can either belong to 1 side or the other…hapa hakuna being neutral.
Mind control is real, but your conspiracies are not.