I think Mater Heart Run didn't have sponsors this time because of corruption.

Most likely either a valve replacement ama some type of congenital heart defect. 10 million is alot of money even by Kenyan standards.

Sorry guys. My bad. I heard the family discussion wrong. It was 2M.

Is this price still justifiable, though?


It depends on the type of procedure being done. I suggest you do your research and consult other hospitals.

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That’s more justifiable. A coronary bypass (CABG) surgery plus post operative ICU care should cost about 2-3 million in Kenya. In India, it’s about 100k; those guys are wizards don’t know how they keep their prices so low without sacrificing quality. In US, same coronary bypass surgery is about 10 million Kshs on average.

2m is a reasonable cost in Kenya.

India may be cheaper, but do the math. Your relative cannot travel alone. So budget for flight, accomodation & food has to include a care giver. Surgery there is aout 500k in an upscale hospital. Accomodation about 100k a month. Heart surgery patients can’t fly for a minimum number of weeks. Not sure if it is 12 weeks. So, critically, budget will be 1 - 2m. But quality of hospital care is great.

It can’t be 100k in India. It’s more like 600k for the surgery alone. But the care is 100 times better than kenya. Indian docs are mostly western trained.

It’s good that u have never given a bribe but corruption is in the fabric of our society. It is a necessity to give it to survive. Demanding a bribe is another story.

There are public hospitals in India where surgery is free {patient pays for drugs}. But the patient can wait for months to get seen. 100k is not impossible, it will just be really low quality. Patient gets what they pay for.