They are rational thinkers.
50% of them were forced onto the believe because they expected and didn’t receive.
10% of them just became one because they saw it fit ( free will ideology brought by the bible) The remaining 40% have just no sense of direction.
So you see it all narrows down to one cause.
all in all, I can only Imagine the tale of the Devil being driven away from heaven with 1/3 of Angels from heaven. Angels who saw God, Praised Him and yet followed lucifer. Now we were thrown unto us a devil on earth fully powerful and we are expected to live righteously. A devil who has still hold on his full strength.
And here we are praising God we never see. Silent on matters we hold so dear. Letting man do evil, speak evil blasphem, He just watches … Acts when He wants to because He is God.
Atheist are at peace in this world, even satan does not want them near him. Why spoil the party! He is after lukewarm believers whom he want to deceive, slowly telling them to be tolerant, and in doing so they denounce their faith. Those who are rigid he attacks and attacks to frustrate.
hmm… that’s honest, and that’s good.
Remember, the Bible NEVER takes away your rational thinking. In fact, Lord God encourages it.
might you know where this struggle is coming from? is it something you read, heard, compared?
are you seeking your answers outside the Bible?
do you understand the context of the Bible?
don’t take this bad advice. he’s basically telling you to avoid critical thinking and just go with what’s convenient.
you’d rather think critical about both sides, than dismiss one and enter another that makes even less sense.
tithing was meant for the middle eastern jew at the time the old covenant was in force/
Christians today misappropriate the promises of the Jews as theirs, and that causes conflict in doctrinal terms.
you, and any other born again believer are under NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER to tithe. but you are commanded to freely give and give cheerfully “WHAT YOU CAN” not more not less.
some pastors take advantage and mix Scripture without understanding context.
and tithing will not make you full. it will make the pastor full, and rich, and wealthy, and he will be the “example” of a good tither (yet he is the recipient). Isn’t that ironic?
remember, if you are obligated, then you’re not free. Christ came to set you free from the law; the law he fulfilled completely.
I like this because if you don’t believe in God and you become poor they say it is Gods curse…and if you become ferkin’ rich,they say its the devils money.Whatever you choose is up to you.
Saying an atheist believes a god doesn’t exist is like saying not eating is a type of eating. An atheist doesn’t care whether there is or there isn’t a god. All an atheist needs is evidence to the claim that there is a god and that would make it a fact not a belief. If I have to believe there is a god, then I should also believe everything everyone tells me.
without a doubt because the Word of God says so.
in Timothy we’re told to “study the Word…rightly dividing the Word of Truth” - that means we should be able to know what part of Scripture applies to who and when.
Paul teaches us this 2Co 9:6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
2Co 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
2Co 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
2Co 9:11 Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.
2Co 9:12 For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God
Your giving from the heart, causes others -receivers - to give thanks to God the Provider. And that outpouring of thanks leads them to want to do the same. The principles remain the same, but the obligation is removed. it is now according to what you have desired to give in your heart. don’t be moved by 10%. then again, is it 10% gross, 10% net, 10% side income, 10% value… in the previous law, it was 10% of the proceeds of the fields, and that was so that the Levites, the priests, who’s one and only job was “priesting”, had something to eat.
once Christ sets you free, you are FREE indeed. no chains, no leashes, no guilt, no condemnation … nothing!