How is life generally in hurima area, recently nilipewa kazi ya Caretaker at one of my uncle’s Property, how’s security & life there for those wamehappen kuishi uko
Make sure to keep your rungus safe. You might require them. Huko ni bosnia
If i were you, ild be sharpen my tools for work. Huko wakamba wanapeana kupeana
Lete coordinates
Kazi ni ya caretaker security unaulizia ya nini na job yako kubwa ni ku renovate na kuosha nyumba?? Uliza mambo ya kunguru za huko.
you don’t say
[quote=“Chiefkiumbe, post:3, topic:221069”]
If i were you, ild be sharpen my tools for work. Huko wakamba wanapeana kupeana
I know my Morals & Virtues… Hence unles has[/QUOTE]
When moving into a new neighborhood they are factors of consideration i.e Security situation, Schools, market & hospitals…in case kuende mrama
Huruma ni kubwa, where exactly?
make sure as a caretaker hujapewa kale kanyumba ka chini ya stairs …incase of caving in of the building…usikubali kuishi hapo
How many buildings have caved in in the last one year countrywide?
wanapeana kupeana
Wanapeana nn