More than once a week, you are an alcoholic. Seek redemption in any church basement every Wednesday where “alcoholics anonymous” meet. ION am I the only one who has light bulb moments only when drinking? Kama sasa nimekaa chini and it just hit me how some people have been stealing from my fearshara. All the great ideas that I have ever implemented hit me when I was high. Weird. I will seal that loophole. Whoever loses weight is the thief
Leo inakaa ni kama umekosa single mother wa kudandia ama dame wa wenyewe mwenye unaweza katia :D:D:D
Actually nachapa story na mafans ndio wamenichanua. People who run similar hustles. My mentors. Endelea kukimbiza kuma tu
For a guy who goes home with ’ young prospects belonging to unfit middle aged males’ you play too much
You must be very naive to believe anything I post here. I am a church elder in real life and nothing I post here is true. You can be anyone at Kenyatalk. I might be the donda at your favorite bus station
Ile gari yako ya 250,000 kilometres uliuza?
Natarget 500,000 km :D…That car is brand new bana
Hio itakua kwa guiness book of records.
niaje brownskin
Kuna mndau alikuwa ananichekesha sana sijui alienda wapi… alipenda kukushow u stick to single mother climbing lane (no pun intended)
Confession. I drunk every other day this week. I don’t like that way, I prefer doing it once a fortnight.
Wazee akina risasi moja, na mze3 watu vipi?
Mtura random,kwani umekunywa kairasi? I drink whenever i feel like
I drank six days every week of May and the 1st weeks of June till the world cup started then I eased up on the bottle.
Where does that place me?
I always wondered what your avatar cat was up to. Leo ndio nimerealize kamelewa.
Single mothers need the loving too, except when they get comfortable and try to introduce you to her brood. Hapo ndio msee anaanza kujifunza long jump.
Kuna jamaa alifanya +3 million miles na gari moja, Volvo P1800. Lakini Trailers do soo many kilometres @Meria Mata atushow mileage ya zenye anajua. Ka jalopy kangu kako 300590km…
Pole for derailing @M2Random…
Niaje @M2Random aka @Quanstrom , bado unaendesha ile toyota belta
Anyway anytime as long niko na mbesha,free and feel like kujienjoy
Kijana wachana na Flying Horse!
Twice a week.